
forward adv.1.向前,前進 (opp. backward)。...

forward buying

As you hurl the rock, the canoe moves forward . 當你扔石塊時,小船會向前游動。

He moved house without leaving a forwarding address . 他搬家了,沒留下新地址。

All forward traffic had been stalled at the control . 關卡前頭的汽車都停住了。

He put forward a gallant proposal . 他提出一個大膽的建議。

The heat had leapt forward in the last hour . 剛過了一個小時,天氣便驟熱起來。

He took a step forward to test me . 他又進了一步來試探我。

We strain our eager gaze forward . 我們興高采烈,極目眺望。

Pull the receiver back and let it snap forward . 把反彈器向后拉,讓它朝前彈。

They are looking forward to her coming . 他們期待她的來訪。

Estelow had slumped forward in a pool of blood . 艾斯特洛向前傾倒在一灘血里。

The kingdom pursued a very forward policy . 這個王國奉行一種好出風頭的政策。

I 'm looking forward to hearing from you soon . 望早日回信。

His head fell forward and he began to snore . 他的頭往前一倒,便鼾聲大作了。

“now, sir, bring forward your chair. “ “現在,先生,請把你的椅子挪過來。”

The driver kicked the truck forward . 司機突然加快車速前進。

You will have to go forward of the mast . 你必須向船頭走去。

We are so much looking forward to seeing you again . 我們非常盼望再見到你。

We 've made a big step forward in our studies .. 我們在學習中前進了一大步。

The right wing passed the ball to the centre forward . 右邊鋒把球傳給中鋒。