
forty n.1.〔pl.〕四十年代,四十到十九歲的時期。2.四十...

forty wink

It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement , mr. page will have been teaching for a total of forty years . 到他退休的前,佩支先生正好教了整整四十年的書,這是一個奇妙的巧合。

Fully qualified civil engineers of forty were happy to work as draughtsmen for a low wage . 完全具有開業資格的四十歲左右的工程師如能從事繪圖員工作謀得低微的工資,就已喜出望外了。

Barnard's observation, made forty years ago, sounds remarkably like what we might hear from mr. matsushita . 巴納德40年前發表的評論聽起來很象我們從松下先生那里聽到的。

The average shore employment requires as much as forty years to equip a man with this sort of an education . 干陸地上的工作,需要四十年之久,才能使人獲得這種教育。

The church is now a handsome edifice, most part of which was rebuilt forty or fifty years since . 這座教堂現在是一幢很考究的、大部分是四五十年前蓋過的房子。

The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour -- much faster than any of its rivals . 獲勝車的車速達到了每小時四十英里比它的任何對手都快得多。

To have contemplated human life for forty years is the same as to have contemplated it for ten thousand years . 沉思40年人生與沉思一萬年人生沒有兩樣。

After the funeral, joe and bert revealed a secret which they had kept for over forty years . 葬禮之后,喬和伯特才把他們保守了四十多年的秘密公諸于眾。

There were about forty children to a class, sitting at double-desks and learning by rote . 每個班有四十名學生,用的都是雙人桌,教學特點是死記硬背。

She was, i'm afraid, a sore trial to elizaa sour-faced woman of forty odd . 我恐怕,她對伊麗莎,一個面帶愁容的,四十開外的女人,倒是一個大麻煩。

In a few minutes they would begin a march over forty miles of strange country . 再過一會兒他們就要開始行軍了,40英里地,都是情況不明的荒山野林。

Others ran twenty, thirty, or even forty courses before they met their fate . 另一些人則在經過二十、三十甚至四十次危險后獻出了他們的生命。

The auditors used to come in and do nothing but shoot the breeze for forty minutes . 查帳隊員一來,往往啥事也不干,先吹上四十分鐘的牛。

At this point the governor himself entered, a tall, handsome man in his late forties . 這時總督本人進來了,近五十歲的年紀,器宇軒昂。

Forty times i've said if you didn't let that jam alone i'd skin you . 我給你說過足有四十回了,你要是再動我那果醬,我就要剝你的皮。

He is hanged there forty feet highand is left hanging, poisoning the water . 他被吊在四十英尺的高處一直吊到現在攪壞了泉水。

The small boat rescues had retrieved nearly forty people from the key before . 在此之前,一些小救生船從島上救出了大約四十人。

Not yet twenty-one, she exhibited the demeanour of a woman of forty . 盡管還不到二十一歲,她已經流露出四十歲女人的風度了。

Next morning at six i set out with a squad of about forty youths . 第二天早晨六點鐘,我就同一隊大約四十名青年一起出發。