
former n.1.構成者,創造者。2.【機械工程】模型,樣板,成形...


We shall be enabled to speculate with security on the former extension of the land . 我們就能夠穩妥地推測從前的陸地范圍了。

My memory unavoidably recurred to former times with a sort of oppressive sadness . 我不可避免地懷著一種壓抑的悲哀回憶往日。

It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague . 他批評以前的同事,并非出于氣憤而是為他惋惜。

The former is said to come within the realms of orthodox descriptive cataloguing . 前者一般認為屬于正統的描述性編目范疇。

The former are considered to be homologous with the sepals of ranunculus . 一般認為,前者的花瓣與毛茛屬植物花萼同源。

She didn't want to be reminded of her beauty or her former vigor . 現在,她不愿人們提起她昔日的美麗和以前的精力充沛。

The former was of gold and sharp pointed, the latter blunt and tipped with lead . 一支是尖頭金的,另一支是鈍頭鉛的。

Hoover had called former attorney general ramsey clark a jelly-fish . 胡佛曾把前任司法部長拉姆齊克拉克叫做軟骨頭。

She used to be a great player , but now she is only a shadow of her former self . 她以前是個健將,現在已不及當年了。

He even accused his former civil servants of being like dad's army . 他甚至指責他以前手下的文職人員象“老爺兵”。

He is too proud now to be seen with his former friends . 他現在忘乎所以了,覺得跟以前的朋友在一起有失他的臉面。

In place of the former president the mayor appoints you as his successor . 市長任命你為繼承人,以代替前任校長。

She forgot all her former uncomfortable feelings toward the mottats . 她把以前對牟番特一家的反感忘得一干二凈。

Former students of this school are now working in the four corners of the earth . 該校的校友現在世界各地工作。

I should dearly love to embrace my former friends at this moment . 此時此刻,我多么渴望擁抱我往日的朋友們啊。

I seemed to be reduced to my former calm, sedate way of living . 我似乎又恢復了以前那種安定,寧靜的生活方式。

The former is backed up by a long and resilient classical tradition . 前者有悠久而富有彈性的古典傳統作后盾。

The most important proponent of the former group was mrs. radcliffe . 前者最重要的代表人物是德克利夫太太。

It is in the former case where a systematic method is important . 在前一種情況中有規則的方法是非常重要的。