
forgetful adj.(opp. mindful)1.健忘的。2.不留...


That makes sense because a domestic chicken with a dippy spatial memory would survive but a forgetful wild bird would go hungry 這一結果合情合理,因為家雞即便分不清東南西北也能夠生存下去,而野禽要是健忘就會挨餓了。

Pitcher seized a moment to remark to the bookkeeper that the “ old man ” seemed to get more absent - minded and forgetful every day of the world 皮徹在百忙之中對簿記員說,老板近來好像越發心不在焉,越發容易忘事了。

That makes sense because a domestic chicken with a dippy spatial memory would survive but a forgetful wild bird would go hungry 這就可以解釋為什么空間記憶混亂的家雞能存活而健忘的野禽會挨餓(致死)了。

Also , mallory , who was very forgetful , reportedly borrowed a camera to take to the summit because he forgotten his own 此外,經常忘東忘西的馬洛里,據說在登山前忘了帶自己的照相機,因此向別人借了一臺。

Mina : yes , i thought you were just being forgetful . security in our office is immaculate , nobody can come in to do that 記得啊,我還以為你自己健忘。我們辦公室的保全系統滴水不露,外人根本沒法進來。

She had previously suffered from senility and was very forgetful . after her initiation , however , her memory improved considerably 本來她患有嚴重的老人健忘癥,印心以后,健忘的毛病立刻改善很多。

As one embraces all others in love and forgiveness that have gone forgetful and into harm , one also embraces oneself 當一個人在愛與寬恕中包容所有變得遺忘而有害的他人,他就也包容了自己。

Darby : but of doing good and communicating [ of your substance ] be not forgetful , for with such sacrifices god is well pleased 只是不可忘記行善和捐輸的事;因為這樣的祭,是神所喜悅的。

He chanced upon a volume of swinburne and began reading steadily , forgetful of where he was , his face glowing 他偶然翻起了一本史文朋,開始連續地讀,讀得臉上閃光。忘了自已在什么地方。

Users are naturally forgetful , so every shortcut and reminder the programmer can offer them is appreciated 用戶往往健忘,所以程序員所提供的每一個快捷方式和提示都會讓用戶更滿意。

If youre forgetful , you have to write a note reminding yourself . no one else is there to remind you all the time 如果你很健忘,就要寫字條提醒自己,沒有誰會一直在那里提醒你。

Intp ( introverted thinking with intuiting ) : faithful , preoccupied , and forgetful , these are the bookworms 內向,憑洞察力思考) :忠實、全神貫注、以及疏忽不注意,典型的書蟲。

He chanced upon a volume of swinburne and began reading steadily , forgetful of where he was , his face glowing 他偶然翻起了一本史文朋,開始連續地讀,讀得臉上閃光。

Everyone gets into difficult situations sometimes , and some people are more sloppy or forgetful than others 每個人都有陷入困境的時候,有的人確實比較邋遢健忘。

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers : for thereby some have entertained angels unawares 2不可忘記用愛心接待客旅。因為曾有接待客旅的,不知不覺就接待了天使。

At such times , he becomes increasingly distant , forgetful , unresponsive , and preoccupied in his relationships 此時,他逐漸變得冷漠、疏忽、沒反應、心不在焉。

A forgetful man should not trust his memory , but should write things down in a note - book 健忘的人不應該依靠自己的記憶,而應當把事情記在一個筆記本上。

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers : for thereby some have entertained angels unawares 不要忘了用愛心接待人,有人就是這樣作,在無意中就款待了天使。

We feel things are unfair because we are forgetful and cannot look very far back or ahead 因為我們向前向后都看不遠,又健忘,難免會感到很多事不公平。