
forfeit vt.(因被罰而)喪失(所有權); (因犯罪等而)失去(...


Name a film or pay the forfeit 說一部電影或是被處罰

He forfeited his rights to the property by his careless behavior 他因行為不檢而喪失了對財產的擁有權。

Ladies , we gotta get on the court or we ' re gonna forfeit the game 快點!要上場了,不然會被取消資格!

Passengers who cancel their reservations will forfeit their deposit 旅客取消預訂票者,定金不予退還

The appeal deposit was forfeited 有關之上訴保證金被沒收。

Admission tickets will be forfeited for absentees without refund 缺席者視作自動放棄?票,并?獲退款。

Are you going to pay the forfeit or not 你到底要不要受罰

Compietion of the time frame or the bet will be forfeited 參與者必須在城堡娛樂城出現,否則賭博無效

Are you going to pay the forfeit or not ? 你到底要不要受罰

His life is forfeit to the people 他的生命已交由人民處理。

For him to forfeit his favourite hobby would be impossible 要他放棄他所喜愛的業余愛好是不可能的。

You ' re just in time to help us forfeit 你正好碰上我們被踢出去

By some vile forfeit of untimely death . 已經無法用語言來表達。

The appeal deposit is to be forfeited 有關上訴之保證金被沒收。

You ' ll be forfeiting your inheritance money 你就喪失了你的遺產

And will be forfeiting the championship match 將會被取消比賽資格

He has forfeited the right to be the leader of this nation 他喪失了作為這個國家領導的權利。

Deposit ( s ) already paid by the applicant will be forfeited 申請人已經支付的保證金將被沒收。

- what have i done ? - name a film or pay the forfeit -我做了什么? -說出電影的名字或者被懲罰