
forethought n.1.事先的考慮,預謀。2.深謀遠慮。adj.預謀的,...


The question was set at rest by his forethought , disclosed by the arrival of some large packages addressed to her . inside them she found a whole stock of clothing , from bonnet to shoes , including a perfect morning costume , such as would well suit the simple wedding they planned 有一天,郵局給她送來了一個寄給她的大包裹,她打開一看,發現里面是全套的衣服,從帽子到鞋子,還包括早上穿的服裝,樣樣都有,像他們計劃中的簡單婚禮,那些服裝是再合適不過了。

We think that there are four phases in the process of self - regulation in learning : forethought , monitoring , control , and reaction , and there are four fields to be regulated : cognition , motivation , behavior , and context 本研究認為學習的自我調節過程可分為四個階段:預劃、監測、控制與反思。學習的調節領域可從認知、動機、行為和情境四個方面進行考察,它們交互作用,共同對學習的自我調節過程產生影響。

As organizations start this journey toward a dynamic infrastructure built on grid computing , they discover that it takes some forethought to fully integrate technologies like provisioning and orchestration 隨著組織邁出在網格計算基礎上構建動態基礎設施的步伐,他們發現要集成諸如供應和自動配置之類的技術,必須要有一些預見性的規劃。

We re going to install the apache web server , which requires a little bit of forethought ; we want to have a space for log files , and we want it in the read - write space on the temp disk 我們將要安裝apache web服務器,這需要我們具有一點前瞻性;我們希望為日志文件分配一塊空間,并且我們希望它位于臨時磁盤空間中,并且具有讀寫權限。

While some managers perform their workforce responsibilities diligently , others perform some workforce activities with little forethought and ignore other responsibilities altogether 盡管一些經理勤勉地執行人力資源管理責任,其他人在執行人力資源管理時可能很少有前瞻性并且沒有統籌考慮其他的職責。

But in choosing the things that should be committed to memory the utmost care and forethought must be exercised ; as lessons well learnt in youth are never forgotten 但在挑選應該被記住的東西的時候,必得深思熟慮,也得有先見之明;年輕時學得的課程,一生難忘。

Prototyping is a good practice for any programmer , because it shows forethought and helps avoid compiler errors in certain cases 制訂原型對于任何程序員來說都是個好習慣,因為它可以顯示出預想( forethought )并在特定情況下幫助您避免編譯器錯誤。

For example , you wouldn t just change from jdbc to ejb without some long meetings , a ton of planning , and an enormous amount of forethought 比如,沒有經過漫長的討論會、數以噸計的計劃和大量的深思熟慮,您不會輕易地從jdbc轉移到ejb 。

This is not necessarily because of a lack of technological forethought , but is simply a reality of business since 盡管這通常是不必要的,是由于缺乏技術遠見而引起的,但是這卻是真實業務中的一個事實,因為:

And there are those who talk , and without knowledge or forethought reveal a truth which they themselves do not understand 有些人談話,無知或無意中透露出他們自己也不懂的真理。

They prefer to train by the seats of their pants ? no planning , no forethought , and minimal structure 他們喜歡憑本能訓練?沒有計劃,沒有事先的考慮和最低限度的結構。

That s the promise of j2ee , and it is fully realizable with some planning and forethought 這是j2ee的承諾,而且經過一些計劃和預先考慮,這個承諾是完全可以實現的。

With a little more forethought we could have bought the house we really wanted 我們當初若是稍微再多考慮一下,也許就能買到我們真正想要的房子了

With a little more forethought we can have buy the house we really want 我們當初若是稍微再多考慮一下,也許就能買到我們真正想要的房子了。

The moral of this article is that a little forethought can pay off tremendously 本文給我們的啟示是:一點點深謀遠慮可以帶來極大的回報。

Water can also be saved in the workplace with a little forethought and planning 業界人士只要稍加策劃,也能有效減少工作場地的用水量。

If i ' d had the forethought to bring my raincoat , i wouldn ' t have got wet in the storm 我當初如果想到要帶雨衣,便不會被暴風雨淋濕了。

Spoken , done , or composed with little or no preparation or forethought 即席的,即興的未經或很少準備或構思而講的、做的或譜寫的

I believe a lot more forethought went into the design of jsf than struts 我相信, jsf設計中比struts中考慮了更多的長遠因素。