
foretell vt.,vi.(-told; -told) 預言,預示,...


Our lives are not determined and cannot be completely foretold . but our lives can be formed by our own vows 命是無定論,是不可理解的事,但是命卻可由我們自己的愿心來決定。

Even then i was against this marriage , and foretold all that has come to pass . anna pavlovna used still to give 我那時還不希望辦成這件婚事,我把以后發生的事預先說了。 ”

But , then , a voice within me averred that i could do it and foretold that i should do it 但是,我內心的另一個聲音卻認為我能這樣做,而且預言我應當這么做。

Employees were worried that the company ' s falling profits foretold the loss of many of their jobs 員工很擔心公司的營收下滑,預示了他們的飯碗即將不保。

Sp _ vele _ endevent01 . wav - > mortal heroes , your victory here today was foretold long ago 凡人勇士們,你們今天在此的勝利早已在預言中提到(果然很欠扁) 。

He told the boy , “ son , i have foretold the future many times , and i have never been wrong 他對小沙彌說: “孩子,我曾經多次預測未來,從未有誤。

He will see in them grotesque attempts of nature to foretell or repeat himself 他會從中看到大自然預示或重復他自己的那種不倫不類的嘗試。 ”

They foretell only slight price increases ; less than 4 % on the consumer index 他們預言,價格只會微調;消費指數低于4個百分點。

Which of them foretold this and proclaimed to us the former things 他們可以帶出見證來,自顯為是,或者他們聽見便說,這是真的。

Between these two classes there was that enmity that god had foretold 有人追求自己的私欲(蛇的后裔) ,也有人象以諾行神的道。

Thomas : but maybe these new players are the ones the prophecy foretold of 湯姆斯:可是搞不好這些新玩家正是預言中所說的人。

But god foretold the coming of christ long before isaiah ' s time 在耶穌基督誕生7百多年前?以賽亞書第53章就描述了耶穌的受難。

Cross the fortune - teller ' s palm with silver , and he will foretell your future 給那個算命的一些銀兩,他就會預示你的未來。

We may ask : has jesus not foretold them more than once about his resurrection 我們或會問:耶穌不是多次預言了?的復活嗎?

Foretelling her compassion 預言她的慈悲

Since i cannot foretell things like a prophet , i cannot help taking a small loss 我又不能料事如神,總不免要吃點小虧。

He can recount the past and foretell the future of anyone by touching them 憑觸摸他人身體,即可感應對方過去及未來

The city ' s development plan , foretells an even more brilliant future 美好的遠景規劃,將使東莞的未來更加輝煌。

Foretelling the name of the master 預言師父的名字