
foretaste n.1.試食,先嘗,預嘗到的滋味。2.預感。vt.先嘗,...


What these happy persons took for reality was but a dream ; but it was a dream so soft , so voluptuous , so enthralling , that they sold themselves body and soul to him who gave it to them , and obedient to his orders as to those of a deity , struck down the designated victim , died in torture without a murmur , believing that the death they underwent was but a quick transition to that life of delights of which the holy herb , now before you had given them a slight foretaste . 嗯,這些快樂的人所認為的現實,實際上只是一個夢,但這個夢是這樣的寧靜,這樣的安逸,這樣的使人迷戀,以致誰把夢給他們,他們就把自己的肉體和靈魂賣給他。他們服從他的命令象服從上帝一樣。他指使他們去殺死誰,他們就走遍天涯海角去謀害那個犧牲者,即便是他們在毒刑拷打之下死去,也沒人發出一聲怨言,因為他們相信死只是超度到極樂世界的捷徑,而他們已從圣草中嘗到過極樂世界的滋味。

Behind my words are all those grinning , leering , skulking skulls , some dead and grinning a long time , some grinning as if they had lockjaw , some grinning with the grimace of a grin , the foretaste and aftermath of what is always going on 我的話后面是那些咧著嘴嘻笑、藏在暗處的腦袋,有些死掉的人的腦袋長時間地笑,有些像患了牙關緊閉癥一樣笑,有些又扮出鬼臉來獰笑,這是一直在進行中的事情的預演和結果。

I like you better in your little grey everyday frock . no , please do that for me . katya , she said to the maid , bring the princess her grey dress , and look , mademoiselle bourienne , how ill arrange it , she said , smiling with a foretaste of artistic pleasure 皮埃爾微微一笑,但是從他的微笑可以看出,他懂得,瓦西里公爵這時對謝爾蓋庫茲米奇的笑話并不發生興趣,瓦西里公爵也明白,皮埃爾了解這一點。

To his brotherhood , he fancied himself given over to a fiend , to be tortured with frightful dreams , and desperate thoughts , the sting of remorse , and despair of pardon ; as a foretaste of what awaits him 他也有他的牧師兄弟們所共有的那種迷信,幻想著自己已被交給一個惡魔,受盡駭人的夢幻絕望的念頭悔恨的螫刺和無望的寬怨的折磨象是讓他預先嘗試一下等待著他的進入墳墓之后的是什么滋味。

The condition of invite applications for a job of unit of some choose and employ persons sets now , sign labor contract again with 3 months to applicant foretaste , keep base wage only during try out , do not enjoy social insurance treatment 現在有些用人單位的招聘條件規定,對應聘者先試用3個月再簽勞動合同,在試用期間只有保底工資,不享受社會保險待遇。

Katya , she said to the maid , bring the princess her grey dress , and look , mademoiselle bourienne , how ill arrange it , she said , smiling with a foretaste of artistic pleasure “你給公爵小姐把那件淺灰色的連衣裙拿來,布里安小姐,您再看看我怎么安排這件事吧。 ”她帶著一個演員預感到歡樂而流露的微笑,說道。

Can agree when signing labor contract probation , but labor contract is signed after allowing foretaste to use , probation should include to be inside contract deadline 在簽訂勞動合同時可以約定試用期,但不答應先試用后簽訂勞動合同,試用期應包括在合同期限內。

Society ' s first concern will remain major crime , but a foretaste of the seriousness of incivility is suggested by what has been happening in houston 社會首先關注的只是大宗犯罪,但發生在休斯敦的一切已經預示著不文明行為的嚴重性。

Every parting gives a foretaste of death ; every coming together again a foretaste of the resurrection 每一次分別都讓我們預先嘗到了死亡的的滋味;每一次重聚都使我們預先嘗到了復活的滋味。

Accordingly , this kind of method that the action after foretaste of unit of choose and employ persons is used uses is illegimate 因此,用人單位先試用后招用的這種做法是不合法的。

Every parting gives a foretaste of death ; every coming together again a fortaste of the resurrection 每一次生離都仿佛是一次死別;每一次重聚又帶來復活的愉悅。

A foretastes of seriousness of incivility is suggested by what has been happening in houston 休斯頓所發生的情況預示:如果不講文明,講產生何種嚴重后果。

The city already had a foretaste of this in the week marking the launch of the one - year countdown 一年倒計時剛開始的本周,這個城市就已經初嘗苦果。

Sam got a foretaste of business life by working during his vacation 山姆藉著在假期中工作先行體驗了商業生涯。

The unusually warm spring day seemed like a foretaste of summer 不尋常的溫暖春日似乎像是夏天的先兆。

Her caustic remark gave him a foretaste of her anger 她的刻薄話使他預感到她的憤怒。

This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year . 這不過是以后每年還要遞給我們的苦杯的第一口,第一次嘗嘗味道罷了。

The note to be sounded was brevity, mystery, and a foretaste of impending doom for germany . 措辭應當簡短、神秘,而且要預示德國即將滅亡。