
foreshorten vt.1.(在繪畫中)按遠近比例縮小(圖形)。2.省略,...


With an arm behind her neck , one hand clasped in the other , and her elbows far apart , she was throwing back her head so that he could see a foreshortened reflection of her half - closed eyes , her parted lips , her face clothed with amorous laughter 她用一只胳膊撐住后頸,一只手鉤住另一只手,仰著頭,兩肘分開。繆法瞅了一眼她那半閉的眼睛她那半張的嘴巴和堆滿柔情微笑的面孔,腦后的金色發髻散開了,像母獅的鬃毛披在背上。

People go by with grotesque shadows , now foreshortened , and now lengthening away into the darkness and vanishing , while a new one springs up behind the walker , and seems to pass him revolving like the sail of a windmill 人們從燈下走過,托拽著各種各樣奇形怪狀的影子,影子時而縮短,時而伸長,最后消失在黑暗之中;同時,一個新的影子又突然出現在那個行路人的身后,這影子好似風車上的翼板一樣,轉到他身體的前方去了。

Extreme foreshortening , shooting on the diagonal , straight down from a considerable height or straight up from the ground ? all these are known to this day as “ rodchenko angles ” 極短的前景,對角線成像,從治高處向下取景,或是從低處向上取景,這些至今都被稱作“羅申科視角” 。

They play a role in the structure of situations and the foreshortening of our relationships with things accelerates the pace of life 它們在社會的結構中起著重要的作用,同時我們與物品之間的關系越來越短暫,也加快了我們的生活節奏。

They play a role in the structure of situations and the foreshortening of our relationships with things accelerates the pace of life 它們在社會形態的構成過程中發揮一定的作用,并且,我們與物品關系的縮短加快了我們生活的節奏。

They play a role in the structure of situations and the foreshortening of our relationships with things accelerates the pace of life 它們在情景結構中的角色,我們與物體關系的縮短加快了生活的節奏。

Description : perspective and foreshortening problems a plenty . ( and once again , the re - envision is on indefinite hold 諸多的透視和身體比例的問題。 (而且重畫的計劃還是永無見天之日。 )

The graphic means to determine the oblique axes and the axial coefficient of foreshortening of an oblique stereograph 軸測體視圖的軸測軸和軸向變形系數的圖解法

Broken - up face ? ? a foreshortened face with a pushed - in look as in the bulldog 形容一種非常短的、好像被推進去的臉型,就像英國斗牛犬。

He was at that height of excitement from which everything is foreshortened . 他是那樣興奮,激動,在這一激情中,一切東西都凝縮了。

The other's clock runs slow and the other's meter stick is foreshortened . 對方的鐘走慢了,對方的米尺縮短了。