foreleg n.(獸的)前腿。
n. (獸的)前腿。 “extension of foreleg“ 中文翻譯: 前肢牽伸“fore limb; foreleg; anterior limb; hand“ 中文翻譯: 前肢“forelift“ 中文翻譯: 前桅帆桁由索“foreleech“ 中文翻譯: 前帆緣“forelimb“ 中文翻譯: n. 【解剖學】前肢,上肢。 “foreleaf“ 中文翻譯: 先出葉“forelimb bud“ 中文翻譯: 前肢芽“forelandbasin“ 中文翻譯: 前陸盆地“forelimb thrust“ 中文翻譯: 前翼沖斷層“foreland structure“ 中文翻譯: 前陸構造“foreline“ 中文翻譯: 鯨炮繩; 前級管道; 前級真空管線; 魚鏢繩“foreland shelf“ 中文翻譯: 伸入地槽的穩定大陸區
forelimb |
Tan markings may appear at any or all of the following areas : above eyes as spots , around eyes ( including spectacle markings ) , on each side of the muzzle , on throat , on lower part of front forelegs and extending up the inside of the forelegs , on inside of rear legs showing down the front of the stifle and broadening out to the front of the rear legs from hock to toes , on breeches , and underside of tail 栗色標記可以出現在以下任何部位:眼睛之上如同斑點,環繞眼睛(包括眼鏡狀) ,在口吻邊上,在咽喉部,自前腿部低部由內側向上至前腿上部,在后腿內側向下至膝關節前部再進一步拓寬至跗節關節和趾部,在足部,在尾部內下側。 |
The carriage creaked and rattled as it flew over the rough stones , and the slightest obstacle under the wheels would have caused disaster ; but it kept on in the middle of the road , and those who saw it pass uttered cries of terror . ali suddenly cast aside his chibouque , drew the lasso from his pocket , threw it so skilfully as to catch the forelegs of the near horse in its triple fold , and suffered himself to be dragged on for a few steps by the violence of the shock , then the animal fell over on the pole , which snapped , and therefore prevented the other horse from pursuing its way 陡然地,阿里放下了他的長筒煙,從口袋里抽出了繩索,巧妙地一拋,那繩圈就套在了離他較近的那匹馬的前蹄,然后忍痛讓自己被馬向前拖了幾步,在這幾步的時間里,那條巧妙地投出去的繩索已逐漸收緊,終于把那匹狂怒的馬的兩腳完全拴住了,使它跌倒在地上,這匹馬跌到了車轅上,折斷了車轅,使另外那匹馬也無法再向前跑了。 |
In fownes s street , dilly dedalus , straining her sight upward from chardenal s first french primer , saw sunshades spanned and wheelspokes spinning in the glare john henry menton , filling the doorway of commercial buildings , stared from winebig oyster eyes , holding a fat gold hunter watch not looked at in his fat left hand not feeling it . where the foreleg of king billy s horse pawed the air mrs breen plucked her hastening husband back from under the hoofs of the outriders 約翰亨利門側堵在商業大廈門口,瞪著一雙用酒浸大了般的牡蠣眼睛,肥肥的左手搽著一塊厚實的雙蓋金表213 ,他并不看表,對它也無所察覺,在比利王的坐騎214抬起前蹄抓撓虛空的地方,布林太太一把拽回她丈夫他差點兒匆匆地沖到騎馬侍從的馬蹄底下。 |
The female mite penetrates into the skin by its forelegs and mouth . it digs tunnels and lays down its eggs . the eggs hatch in 3 to 4 days . the mites mature in about 10 days , and then start to breed the next generation 雌疥蟲會用一對前腿和咀鉆進皮膚的表皮層,挖掘出隧道,在其中產卵繁殖,蟲卵會在三、四天孵化成幼蟲,再過十天,便能繁殖下一代。 |
Patch quietly rested his forelegs on the arm of santa ' s chair , but alyssa savonen ' s other dog , annabelle , couldn ' t resist licking leverette ' s face until savonen warned her , “ do you want a spanking 其中一只小狗帕奇安靜地把前腿放在圣誕老人的椅子上,不過那只名叫安娜貝勒的小狗卻老是不停地舔著圣誕老人的臉,以致于薩沃寧不得不威脅她說: “快停下! |
The female mite penetrates into the skin by its forelegs and mouth . it digs tunnels and lays down its eggs . the eggs hatch in 3 to 4 days . the mites mature in about 10 days , and then start to breed the next generation 雌疥蟲會用一對前腿和咀鉆進皮膚的表皮層,挖掘出隧道,在其中產卵繁殖,蟲卵會在三四天孵化成幼蟲,再過十天,便能繁殖下一代。 |
The camel , lifting a foreleg , plucks from a tree a lace mango fruit , offers it to his mistress , blinking , in his cloven hoof then droops his head and , grunting , with uplifted neck , fumbles to kneel 駱駝舉起一只前腳,從樹上摘下一枚大芒果,將它夾在偶蹄間,獻給女主人。然后它眨巴著眼睛,揚起脖子,耷拉下腦袋,咕噥著,掙扎著跪下。 |
Oh , hes all right ; a good horse , answered rostov , though the horse , for which he had paid seven hundred roubles , was not worth half that sum . hes begun to go a little lame in the left foreleg he added “是的,挺不錯,是一匹駿馬, ”羅斯托夫答道,這匹馬花了七百盧布買來的,但它值不到這個價格的一半, “左前腿微跛”他補充說道。 |
In the recurring pattern of the canter , the left foot ( and shoulder ) always reaches farther ahead than the right when on the left lead . ( this may appear as though t . , he left foreleg has started the pattern of the canter 在慢跑狀態下的馬蹄印不端依次循環,當向左側前進時,馬的左側前腿(和肩膀)總是比右側伸展的更靠前。 |
Forelegs : when standing and viewed from the front , the legs are moderately spaced , parallel and straight , with the elbows close to the body and turned neither in nor out 前肢:當犬站立時,從他的前方看,腿是適度的間隔開,平行并且筆直,兩邊肘部的距離接近于身體的寬度,既不低于這個寬度也不高于這個寬度。 |
Body : medium length , well sprung ribs , not short coupled , slightly tapering , when viewed from above . level topline . chest broad and deep , well let down between forelegs 身體:中等長度,肋骨擴張自然,聯接不顯突然,略尖。前視時,背線平。胸寬且深,在兩腿前自然下垂。 |
Forequarters theshoulders are well laid back forming an angle with the upper arm ofapproximately 90 degrees which permits the dog to move his forelegs inan easy manner with forward reach 前軀肩充分向后,與上臂差不約成90度,這樣犬的前腿可以輕松地運動,向前跨出。 |
Brachiosaurus very obvious characteristics of the ordinary dinosaur foreleg mostly short , the type of dinosaur brachiosaurus foreleg on longer ; particularly their long neck 腕龍類的特徵極為明顯,普通恐龍的前腳大多較短,腕龍類的恐龍前腳就較長; ?們的頸部尤其長。 |
Body : medium length , well sprung ribs , not short coupled , slightly tapering , when viewed from above . level topline . chest broad and deep , well let down between forelegs 身體:中等長度,肋骨擴張略大,前驅稍長。從上方看,整體略成圓錐形向尾部收縮。 |
Viewed from the side , the forelegs have good reach , while the hind legs have strong drive , with good pickup of hocks . the feet turn neither inward nor outward 從側面觀看,前肢伸展良好,后肢同時擁有強勁動力,飛節跌抬井然.四足既不向內摳也不朝外撅 |
No , im wounded , and my horse is killed . rook tried to get up on his forelegs , but he sank again , crushing his riders leg under his leg “不,我負了傷,馬被打死了。 ” “白嘴鴉”正要伸出前腿,支撐起來,可是它倒下了,壓傷了乘馬者的一條腿。 |
Gait / movement : free and active , neither loose nor tied . forelegs move well forward , without too much lift , in unison with thrusting action of hindlegs 步態/動態:自如活潑,不顯松散和拘束。前腿自然向前運動,抬起不太高,與后腿動作協調。 |
Well - sprung ribs , deep in rear . all ribs close together . forelegs set rather wide apart to permit chest development . chest deep and broad 肋骨弓度好,向后延伸(向后延伸至臀部)肋骨間隙小。前檔寬,以便胸肌附著,胸肌要厚且寬大。 |
As the pad marks converge , the forelegs and hind legs are carried straightforward , with neither elbows nor stifles turned in or out 當腳印集中在一條線上后,前腿和后腿都筆直地向前伸出,肘部和膝關節都不能外翻或內翻。 |