forefather n.〔常 pl.〕祖先,祖宗;前人。
n. 〔常 pl.〕祖先,祖宗;前人。 “forefather’s day“ 中文翻譯: 清教徒登陸紀念日“curios handed down from forefather“ 中文翻譯: 祖傳古玩“forefathers“ 中文翻譯: 祖先“forefan“ 中文翻譯: 前風扇“forefathers' day“ 中文翻譯: 〔美國〕(每年12月22日紀念英國清教徒于1620年在美洲登陸的)祖先紀念日。 “foreeshore berm“ 中文翻譯: 前濱階地“forefathers; ancestors“ 中文翻譯: 先世“foree“ 中文翻譯: 福里“forefathers; ancestry; forbears“ 中文翻譯: 祖宗“foredune community“ 中文翻譯: 砂丘迎風面群落“foredune“ 中文翻譯: 沙丘向風面; 水邊低沙丘; 沿岸沙壟; 沿岸沙丘
forefeel |
We have lived in tents and have fully obeyed everything our forefather jonadab commanded us 但住帳棚,聽從我們先祖約拿達的話,照他所吩咐我們的去行。 |
And then the heart of your forefathers was hardened yet more , and they killed men and beasts likewise 然而你們的祖先變本加厲,不僅殺動物,也殺人。 |
In fact , the forefather of chen rooted from hugongman , so it was imaginable 事實上南朝陳政權的祖先在很大程度上就是胡公滿,因而他的祭祀合情合理。 |
Our forefathers sacrificed their precious lives for the happy life of ours today 我們的先輩們拋頭顱,灑熱血,就是為了我們今天的幸福生活。 |
With the knowledge of ourselves , and our forefathers ohh jacqueline you heard the rifle shots cracklin 我是哭是笑是美是丑到底那一點犯錯 |
What then shall we say that abraham , our forefather , discovered in this matter 1如此說來,我們的祖宗亞伯拉罕,憑著肉體得了什么呢? |
“ playing in italy - the land of my forefathers - has always been a dream for me . “在意大利踢球,是我最想去的地方,是我的夢想。 ” |
The function of our forefathers taboo on something in the edition of ancient books appraisal 試析古人避諱在古籍版本鑒定中的作用 |
I ' d be preserving the rights our forefathers fought and died for , right 才得以發揚先烈們奮死抗爭而換來的權利和精神,不是嗎? |
To be greater than forefathers , you must stride the forefathers of that station 25比前人更加偉大,必須跨過那站著的前人。 |
Forgive me , and allow me to share in the ownership of our forefathers , horses 原諒我,允許我共同分享我們祖先的所有權,馬 |
Our forefathers have said “ learning starts from thinking , thinking from question “ 古人云: “學起于思,思起于疑。 ” |
Our forefathers ' focal attention to spring and autumn from the chinese characters 從漢字看先民對春和秋的關注點 |
Don ' t walk in your forefathers ' footprints ; seek what they sought 不要走先人的足跡,要尋找他們所要尋找的。 |
They retain the religion of their forefathers . i have never questioned that 我堅信他們仍然保持著祖先的信仰 |
What we do today is something never dream of by our forefathers 今天我們正做的是我們的前人做夢都未想過的。 |
From the days of our forefathers until now , our guilt has been great 7從我們列祖直到今日,我們的罪惡甚重。 |
Joe want to visit the pacific island where his forefathers have live 喬想去訪問祖輩住過的那個太平洋島嶼。 |
On the cultural connotations of the custom of chinese forefathers ' wearing jade 論古人佩玉習俗的文化內涵 |