
foreboding n.預報,預示;(特指兇事的)預知,預感。


“ my friend , “ said morcerf , “ let us enjoy the present without gloomy forebodings for the future . “我的朋友, ”馬爾塞夫說道, “讓我們盡情享受現在吧,別去擔心將來了。 ”

“ the second half of the book builds a steadily escalating sense of foreboding ” ( sven birkerts ) “這本書的后半部分建立了一種逐漸增強的不幸的預感“ (斯文?伯基特) 。

We knew that some poor bastard was being taken away , but had only grim forebodings as to where 我們知道這是某個可憐蟲被帶走了,但是對他的去處只有一種不詳的預感。

You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of my enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings . 我這次外出探險,你總認為兇多吉少,現在獲悉我行程順利,未發生任何意外,你一定會感到喜出望外吧。

Maston was oppressed by sinister forebodings . 梅斯頓感到自己被一種不祥的預感緊緊地抓住了。