
forebear n.〔常 pl.〕祖先,祖宗。


The impetus for this change , he theorizes , was not an encounter with another hominid type ( for by this time in africa , h . sapiens was free of competition with other human species ) but rather a genetic mutation some 50 , 000 years ago that altered neural processes and thereby unleashed our forebears ' powers of innovation 克萊恩的理論是,那次轉變的動力,不是與另一種人類的沖突,因為那時非洲已經沒有其他的人類了,而是五萬年前智人基因組發生的一個突變,那個突變改變了神經過程,將我們祖先的創造天賦釋放出來。

After 21 years of active promotion of the spoken form of the language , the younger generation of chinese singaporeans have already mastered the basic oral communicative skills , without a trace of dialectal accent of their forebears 其實,經過過去20余年“講華語運動”的大力推動,新加坡年輕一代已能通暢地以華語進行人際溝通,而且他們不像老一輩總是帶著無法擺脫的祖籍方言口音。

Knowing our past gives us a sense of history and continuity makes us more appreciative of our forebears “ struggles for a better life for their family , and stimulates pride in their contributions toward singapore ' s prosperity 在認識過去的過程中,我們能夠對連綿不斷的歷史更加敏感,對祖宗為家人謀求美好生活的奮斗更加了解,對他們為國家繁榮所作出的貢獻更加感到驕傲。

One approach to answering this question is to examine the factors that might have shaped other creatures that show high intelligence and to see whether the same forces might have operated in our forebears 為了回答這個問題,科學家想到一個方法,就是觀察其他智能高的物種,分析塑造?們智能的因素,再研究那些因素是否也影響了我們的祖先。

Van loon , a philosopher in the early 20th century , left the legacy of tolerance to future generations . humanity today possesses more wisdom and awareness than its forebears a century ago 二十世紀初的哲學家凡龍van loon以“寬容”為遺產留給后世,今天的人類在經歷一百年的波折之后,是不是比一個世紀前的祖先具備更多的智慧和意識,有沒有鍛

That fossil material , along with analyses of dna from living animals , has enabled scientists to paint a detailed picture of when , where and how whales evolved from their terrestrial forebears 化石證據以及現生動物dna的分析結果,使科學家充分掌握了鯨豚自然史的大關大節,可以回答鯨豚何時、何地以及如何演化的問題了。

I can see about me all those cracked forebears of mine dancing around the bed , consoling me , egging me on , lashing me with their serpent tongues , grinning and leering at me with their skulking skulls 我可以看到我的瘋狂的祖先圍著床在跳舞,他們寬慰我、給我打氣、用毒蛇般的舌頭抽打我、用藏在暗處的腦袋朝我嘻笑。

Samples of professor robinson ' s dna were first taken four years ago . tests suggested that his paternal forebears came from the caucasus , while his mother ' s ancestors originated in the pyrenees 4年前,羅賓森教授進行了第一次dna測試,結果顯示,他的父系祖先來自高加索山脈,他的母系祖先來自比利牛斯山脈。

Despite the constancy of these primal urges , human culture has experienced upheaval after upheaval in the period since our hunter - gatherer forebears roamed the savannas 盡管這些根本的沖動是恒定的,自從我們的狩獵?采集祖先在草原上活動以來,人類文化卻經歷了一次又一次的大變動。

This is hardly surprising because most of them do not maintain or have access to , genealogical records beyond their immediate forebears 其實這也沒什么稀奇的,因為他們大多沒有留下任何家譜記錄,甚至沒有家譜可查閱。比直系親屬更上一代的祖先恐怕已經追溯不到了。

Rather the delicacy of the brow , the projection of the face and the curvature of the rear of the skull evoke h . habilis , the presumed forebear of h . erectus 他的眉脊不發達、面孔突出,還有后腦殼的弧度都與巧人很像,而學者一般假定巧人是直立人的祖先。

Thirteen years after the war , their children meet . the dark past of their forebears threatens to stand in the way of the pair ' s love for one another 戰爭結束三十年后,他們的子女相遇了。然而他們父輩的陰暗過去卻成了擋在他們愛情道路上的屏障。

Sir geoffrey stood for england and lloyd george as his forebears had stood for england and st george : and he never knew there was a difference 他擁護英國和路易。佐治,正如他的祖先們擁護英國和圣佐治一樣他永不明白那兒有什么不同的地方。

That must have been true back in the pliocene , more than two million years ago , when meat was added to the menu of our plant - chomping forebears 菜單上多了肉,對于我們那些生存于200萬年前上新世、咀嚼著植物的祖先來說,也一樣有風險。

I carried out my plan because i felt the chief had some fear of those of my race , of those uncountable forebears whose culmination lies in me 我之所以這么做,是因為我覺得頭頭瞧不起我這個種族的人? ?瞧不起在我身上匯集的無數先輩。

For i have sworn before you and almighty god the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago 因為我已在你們和全能的上帝面前,作了跟我們祖先將近一又四分之三世紀以前所擬定的相同的莊嚴誓言。

Such changes which are the results of shared experiences of pioneers and forebears have become what is termed the “ intangible heritage “ of a society 此等經歷和成果,以某一形式存在于現代生活之中,成為珍貴的非物質文化遺產。

In the old testament , the son of abraham who was cast out after the birth of isaac . he is traditionally considered to be the forebear of the arabs 以實瑪利舊約中亞伯拉罕之子,在以撒出生后被棄。他傳統上被認為是阿拉伯人的祖先

Consequently , they tend to have lesser interest in the cultural heritage of their forebears and those of their fellow citizens 因此,他們一般上對先人的文化遺產不感興趣。這樣看來,要促使新加坡人多多溝通,須要克服許多困難。