
forbearance n.1.忍耐,克制。2.【法律】債務償還期的延緩。3.放...


M . de blacas moved suddenly towards the baron , but the fright of the courtier pleaded for the forbearance of the statesman ; and besides , as matters were , it was much more to his advantage that the prefect of police should triumph over him than that he should humiliate the prefect 勃拉卡斯公爵趕緊向男爵走去,那大臣的驚慌的神色完全嚇退了這位元老的得意心情,說實在的,在這種情況下,如果是警務大臣戰勝了他,實在是比使大臣受到羞辱對他有利得多。

She highly approved his forbearance , and they had leisure for a full discussion of it , and for all the commendation which they civilly bestowed on each other , as wickham and another officer walked back with them to longbourn , and during the walk he particularly attended to her 她非常贊美他的涵養功夫。當韋翰和另一位軍官跟她們一塊兒回浪博恩來的時候,一路上他特別照顧她,因此他們有充分的空暇來討論這個問題,而且還客客氣氣地彼此恭維了一陣。

In my new circumstances , the kind of comparison drawn between her and marguerite added an unexpected edge to my reading , and my forbearance was swelled with pity , almost love , for the poor girl , the disposal of whose estate i could thank for possessing the volume 出于對這個可憐的姑娘的憐憫,甚至可以說是喜愛,我對她愈加同情了,這本書就是我從她那里得到的遺物。誠然,瑪儂是死在荒涼的沙漠里的,但是她是死在一個真心愛她的情人的懷抱里的。

But , speaking at the woodrow wilson center , a non - partisan public policy group that focuses on international affairs , he suggested iraqi society is showing far more strength , resolve , and forbearance in confronting violence than it gets credit for in world opinion 然而,在伍德羅威爾遜中心(一個關注國際事務的超黨派公共政治組織)發言時,他說伊拉克社會在面對暴力事件應當表現出更大的意志,決心以及耐力,而并不在意是否獲得世人的好評。

But , speaking at the woodrowwilsoncenter , a non - partisan public policy group that focuses on international affairs , he suggested iraqi society is showing far more strength , resolve , and forbearance in confronting violence than it gets credit for in world opinion 但是,在對一個致力于國際事務的無黨派公共政策的集團? ?伍德羅威爾森集團發表演說時,他指出,伊拉克社會對當前的暴力襲擊所顯示出的力量、決定和忍耐力遠勝于國際社會的評價。

In the meantime , consumption , which is not the subject of suppression , continues to grow , not much affected by the administrative measures , as intended , and there is a good explanation for a bit of forbearance on the up - tick of inflation given that it was caused by higher food prices 與此同時,這輪宏觀調控沒有壓抑消費,因此消費如預期般繼續增長,并未因行政手段而受到影響,對因食品價格上升帶動的通脹上調也采取了比較寬容的態度。

The day will close almost before you are aware it has begun ; and you are indebted to no one for helping you to get rid of one vacant moment : you have had to seek no one s company , conversation , sympathy forbearance ; you have lived , in short , as an independent being ought to do 這樣,一天的日子,你幾乎沒有覺察它開始,就已經結束了。你就不欠誰的情,幫你消磨片刻空閑。你不必找人作伴和交談,不必請求別人的同情和忍耐。

But , speaking at the woodrow wilson center , a non - partisan public policy group that focuses on international affairs , he suggested iraqi society is showing far more strength , resolve , and forbearance in confronting violence than it gets credit for in world opinion 然而薩利赫在伍德羅?威爾遜中心面對這個關注國際事務的無黨派組織時表示,相比較贏得國際輿論的贊揚,伊拉克在面對暴力沖突時表現出更大的力量、決心與忍耐。

But , speaking at the woodrow wilson center , a non - partisan public policy group that focuses on international affairs , he suggested iraqi society is showing far more strength , resolve , and forbearance in confronting violence than it gets credit for in world opinion 但是,在伍德羅?威爾遜中心,面對這樣一個關注國家事務的無黨派組織,他說比起世界上對它的看法來,伊拉克在面對暴力時擁有更多的力量、決心和耐力。

For my own part , though my monogram figured on none of marguerite ' s dressing - cases , the instinctive forbearance and natural pity to which i have just admitted led me to dwell on her death for much longer than it perhaps warranted 而我呢,雖然瑪格麗特任何一件用品上都沒有我姓名的開頭字母,可是我剛才承認過的那種出于本能的寬容和那種天生的憐憫,使我對她的死久久不能忘懷,雖說她也許并不值得我如此想念。

For my own part , though my monogram figured on none of marguerite s dressing - cases , the instinctive forbearance and natural pity to which i have just admitted led me to dwell on her death for much longer than it perhaps warranted 而我呢,雖然瑪格麗特任何一件用品上都沒有我姓名的開頭字母,可是我剛才承認過的那種出于本能的寬容和那種天生的憐憫,使我對她的死久久不能忘懷,雖說她也許并不值得我如此想念。

“ i told you the other day , of his infamous behaviour to mr . darcy ; and you , yourself , when last at longbourn , heard in what manner he spoke of the man who had behaved with such forbearance and liberality towards him 伊麗莎白紅著臉回答道: “我當然了解,那一天我已經把他對待達西先生的無恥行為說給你聽過。人家待他那么寬宏大量,可是你上次在浪搏恩的時候,曾經親耳聽到他是以什么的態度談到人家。

His ease and cheerfulness rendered him a most agreeable addition to their evening party ; and he bore with the ill - judged officiousness of the mother , and heard all her silly remarks with a forbearance and command of countenance particularly grateful to the daughter 雖然班納特太太不知分寸,多管閑事,他卻竭力忍受盡管她講出多少蠢話,他也一些不動聲色,很有耐性地聽著,這特別叫那女兒滿意。

As we have seen , therefore , he permitted his former host to retire without attempting a recognition , but fully promising himself a rich indemnity for his present forbearance should chance afford him another opportunity 所以,正如我們所知,他讓那一個人離開了,并沒去招呼他,只是在心里自慰自解,如果再碰到他,決不讓他第二次再逃脫。

Under the chinese society environment and economy moderating development ' s term , the environment law take the function of the forbearance valve , and walk its old road that management side by side pollution 在中國社會環境與經濟協調發展的條件下,環境法起著節制閥的作用,走的仍是邊污染邊治理的老路。

Elizabeth received them with all the forbearance of civility ; and at the request of the gentlemen , remained at the instrument till her ladyship s carriage was ready to take them all home 伊麗莎白只得極有忍耐地虛心領教。她聽從了兩位男客的要求,一直坐在鋼琴旁邊,彈到夫人備好了馬車送他們大家回家。

Then , somebody regrets , somebody is sad , somebody begins to condemn a woman , the complain tearfully that somebody is driven beyond forbearance eventually “ why standing harm ground every time always is me “ 等他們真正熟悉到他們投資的績優公司的真正面貌后,股價已經從天堂跌到了地獄,損失慘重。

I heard her with wonder : i could not comprehend this doctrine of endurance ; and still less could i understand or sympathise with the forbearance she expressed for her chastiser 我聽了感到不勝驚訝。我不能理解這“忍受”信條,更無法明白或同情她對懲罰者所表現出的寬容。

This fire , under the ashes of modern history , is now lighting the lives of millions with its three chief virtues : truthfulness , benevolence , and forbearance 在現代歷史的灰燼上燃燒的這一火把,用她的三個主要標準“真、善、忍”正在照亮千千萬萬人的人生之路。