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forage cap 〔英國〕步兵便帽。


Wearing a naval uniform with a dirk , and holding his forage cap under his arm , he handed the commander - in - chief the military report and the keys of the town 奇恰戈夫身著海軍文官制服,腰佩短劍,腋下夾著帽子,遞給庫圖佐夫一份戰例報告和城門的鑰匙。

He was clean - shaven ; he wore the wadded coat of the guards with a st . george medal on a ribbon , and a plain forage cap , put on straight on his head 他的臉刮得干干凈凈,穿的是近衛軍棉大衣,鈕孔上別了一枚圣喬治勛章,頭上端端正正地戴一頂普通軍帽。

Morel , a little , thickset frenchman , with swollen , streaming eyes , was dressed in a womans jacket and had a womans kerchief tied over his forage cap 莫雷爾是一個矮小敦實的法國人,他兩眼紅腫,流著眼淚,軍帽上扎一條女人的頭巾,穿一件女人的皮襖。