
footrest 擱腳板。


In addition to being usable as a footrest , the stool can be pulled out from beneath the chair and used separately as a cushion for meditating on the light with crossed legs , and when not in use , pushed under the chair 底下的小椅子則是另一個很棒的設計,不僅可以拿來墊腳,還可以單獨拉出來盤腿觀光,不使用時則可以完全收到主椅底下!

The replicas are full size ( 1m77 / 5 ' 9 “ ) with a beech handle , a brass removable footrest , and a wicker tail ! they also cost 495 ? each 這些仿制品全長1 . 77米( 5英尺9英寸) ,掃帚柄由山毛櫸木制成,帶有可拆卸的黃銅腳蹬,掃帚尾由柳條制成。每把售價495歐元。

You must ensure that the passenger sits astride the motorcycle on a fixed seat behind you with feet firmly on footrests 應確保乘客跨坐在你背后的固定座位上,而且兩腳踏穩在腳踏板上。

Keep your feet on the footrests at all times , particularly when the motorcycle is stopping or has stopped 雙腳應踏穩在腳踏上,當電單車正在停下來或已停定時,尤須如此。

Contrary to popular belief , old pentium computers are not just good for doorstops and footrests 老式奔騰機并不只是堵門擱腳的垃圾,它們仍可用來計算!

Two more footrests and handgrips should be installed at the entrance of the small hatchcover 在小艙口蓋的進口處再安裝兩只踏步和拉手。

4 . back body shiatsu massage : rolling kneading tapping 5 . footrest : feet massage kneading function 5 .腳墊具有新型定點揉捏按摩功能

Use a pillow as a footrest to relieve water retention when sitting or lying down 坐著或躺臥時,以枕頭把腳墊高,可以消除水腫

Wheelchairs with detachable armrest and footrest allow easier transfer 輪椅的扶手和腳踏如果能夠拆除的話,可更方便轉移長者

Electrical chair back footrest stage - less adjustment for tilting . manual fine tune of footrest 電動椅背腿墊無段調整躺臥

Footrest improves comfort -舒適的腳踏。

Electrical chair backfootrest stage - less adjustment for tilting . manual fine tune of footrest 電動椅背腿墊無段調整躺臥

Office furniture ; footrests for working position ; requirements , dimensions 辦公室家具.工作位置的擱腳板.要求尺寸

Footrest enhances user stability - bar stops adjust in 3 “ increments to -腳部的固定位置令使用者更

Unique footrest and thigh pad angle increases -獨一無二的腳部位置和臀墊的