
footlights 〔pl.〕 【戲劇】舞臺上的腳光;舞臺;演戲(appea...


Exceedingly tall , exceedingly strong , for her eighteen years , nana , in her goddess s white tunic and with her light hair simply flowing unfastened over her shoulders , came down to the footlights with a quiet certainty of movement and a laugh of greeting for the public and struck up her grand ditty 娜娜,對于她這個芳十八的女子來說,個子未免顯得太高了,體格顯得太壯了。她身穿女神的白內衣,長長的金發自然地披散在肩坎上,她泰然自若地走向臺口,向觀眾嫣然一笑,然后,她開始唱起主題歌:

The footlights were turned up and with a vivid flood of brilliance lit up the curtain , the heavy purple drapery of which had all the richness befitting a palace in a fairy tale and contrasted with the meanness of the proscenium , where cracks showed the plaster under the gilding 舞臺前的一排腳燈升高了,頓時發出一大片光亮,把幕布映得通紅,沉沉的紫紅色幕布像神話中的宮殿一樣富麗堂皇,與舞臺上的舊陋框架形成鮮明對照,金色框架上有一道道裂縫,露出了里面的泥灰。

Above and beyond the glowing arc formed by the footlights the dark body of the house seemed full of ruddy vapor , and against this neutral - tinted background , where row upon row of faces struck a pale , uncertain note , nana stood forth white and vast , so that the boxes from the balcony to the flies were blotted from view 臺上的腳燈排成一道弧形,發出奪目的光芒,腳燈背面的大廳里顯得昏昏暗暗,好像彌漫著黃橙橙的煙霧,在這暗淡的背景中,一排排觀眾的面孔顯得蒼白而又模糊不清,而舞臺上的娜娜則顯得格外清楚。

Then no sooner was the house empty than it grew dark : the footlights went out ; the chandelier was turned down ; long strips of gray canvas slipped from the stage boxes and swathed the gilt ornamentation of the galleries , and the house , lately so full of heat and noise , lapsed suddenly into a heavy sleep , while a musty , dusty odor began to pervade it 隨后,觀眾還未走完,大廳內就暗下來,成排腳燈熄滅了,大吊燈的光線變暗了,長長的灰色布罩從舞臺兩側的包廂上落下來,蓋住了樓廳的金色裝飾。那樣炎熱人聲鼎沸的大廳,頓時仿佛沉睡了,發出一股霉味和塵土的氣味。

In the second act there was scenery representing monuments , and a hold in the drop at the back that represented the moon , and shades were put over the footlights , and trumpets and bassoons began playing , and a number of people came in on the right and on the left wearing black cloaks 第二幕的布景是水彩畫上的紀念碑,畫布上的圓窟窿用以表示月亮,拉起了腳燈燈罩,他們開始吹低音小號,拉低音提琴,許多穿黑袍的人從左右兩邊走出來。

Trembling from head to foot and with a humming in her ears , she came down to the footlights , diana s sweet , amorous smile on her lips , and attacked the opening lines of her duet with so feeling a voice that the public gave her a veritable ovation 她身上打著哆嗦,腦子里嗡嗡作響,她向著腳燈走去,臉上浮現出鐘情月神的甜蜜的微笑。她開始唱出二重唱中的第一句,嗓音是那樣熱情奔放,觀眾報以熱烈的掌聲。

At one moment the idea occurred to her to leap over the footlights and sing that air the actress was singing ; then she felt inclined to hook her fan into an old gentleman sitting near her , or to bend over to ellen and tickle her 她時而想跳到廂座的邊緣,唱那個女伶唱過的詠嘆調,她時而想用折扇絆住那個坐在她附近的小老頭子,時而想向海倫彎下身去胳肢她。

Abandoning his position , clearing the footlights without the aid of his wings , and clambering up to the right - hand gallery , he fell at the feet of one of the spectators , crying , ah , my master 他雖然絲毫也沒有扇動自己的翅膀,但卻早已飛過了舞臺上的低柵欄,爬上了舞臺右面的包廂,在一位觀眾的腳下,趴了下來,他一面嚷著:

Why , you re missing your cue ! “ and with a push from the manager , rose stepped over the prostrate bodies and found herself in the flare of the footlights and in the presence of the audience 博爾德納夫把羅絲一推,她從兩個男人的身上跨過去,走到舞臺上,在臺前腳燈的照耀下,出現在觀眾面前。

That little student had mastered her part to her own satisfaction , much as she trembled for her fate when she should once face the gathered throng , behind the glare of the footlights 盡管她一想到自己要在舞臺強烈的燈光下,在滿堂觀眾面前演戲,不禁嚇得發抖,為自己的命運擔心。

I can still feel myself standing on that stage , blushing furiously and gazing over the footlights to see my father ' s grin as he applauded loudly 我至今還感覺得到自己站在舞臺上,雙頰緋紅,越過絢麗的腳燈光線向下張望,看見的竟是父親的笑臉,他一面使勁地鼓掌,一面快活地笑著。

Well , all day him and the king was hard at it , rigging up a stage and a curtain and a row of candles for footlights ; and that night the house was jam full of men in no time 他和國王拼命地忙了一整天,搭戲臺,掛幕布,安一排蠟燭權當腳燈。這一晚,大廳里一轉眼就擠滿了人。

I can sti ll feel myself standing on that case stage , blushing furiausly and gazing over t he footlights to see my father ' s grin as he applauded loudly 我現在仍能感受到自己站在舞臺上,滿臉緋紅,透過舞臺腳燈看父親使勁鼓掌和開懷大笑時的心情。

I can still feel myself standing on that stage , blushing furiously and gazing over the footlights to see my father ' s grin as he applauded loudly 我至今還記得自己漲紅著臉站在那個舞臺上,越過腳燈向下看見老爸笑嘻嘻地使勁鼓掌的情景。

A shadow enveloped the great red splash of the curtain , and not a sound came from the stage , the unlit footlights , the scattered desks of the orchestra 舞臺上闃然無聲,成排的腳燈熄滅了,樂師們的樂譜架擺得七零八落。

With a merry wink , he smiled at him , and leaned with his foot against the footlights . how like the brother is to his sister ! said the count 他愉快地向他丟個眼色,微微一笑,他把一只腳搭在戲臺前沿的欄桿上。

And when nana lifted her arms the golden hairs in her armpits were observable in the glare of the footlights 每當娜娜舉起臂膀時,在排燈的照射下,可以清楚地看見她腋窩下的金色腋毛。

Then across the twilight stage , which was no longer lit up by the footlights , there followed a disorderly retreat 舞臺上的光線昏昏暗暗,因為臺口的成排腳燈已經熄滅了。

All throughout that entracte kuragin stood with dolohov in front of the footlights staring at the rostovs box 娜塔莎知道他正在談論她,這就使她感到高興。