
foothold 立足點,【軍事】據點。


The article has an attempt in some discussions on the development of china ' s trust spirit and essence as its foothold 本文試圖從我國實際出發,又立足于信托精神與信托本質,對中國信托業發展的有關問題作一些討論。

Our performing arts sector has gained a foothold in hollywood . moreover , cepa has opened up the vast mainland market to our film industry 我們的演藝界已闖進了荷里活, c e p a更為香港電影業打開了大的內地市場。

Once a starfish has established a firm foothold , it folds itself in half and somersaults back into its normal position 它們把其中一臂扭轉,抓緊堅固的地面,然后把身體摺疊,再轉回正常的姿勢。

The second part has the chinese teaching material as the foothold . to analyses the humanism element in those texts 第二部分立足中學語文教材,從課本與讀本中分析諸子散文所蘊含的人文因素。

In traditional ethics , integrity is seen as the most basic requirement , and there is no unnecessary to foothold 在傳統倫理中,誠信被視為是做人的最基本要求,無此便無以立足。

I have sunk in deep mire , and there is no foothold ; i have come into deep waters , and a flood overflows me 詩69 : 2我陷在深淤泥中、沒有立腳之地我到了深水中大水漫過我身。

The establishment of cultural foothold of ethnic poets is related to the value orientation in cultural community 少數民族詩人“文化身位”的確立關系到文化認同的價值取向。

In 2008 : foothold home , makes stands up to the most rigorous test the petroleum tool product transaction platform 2008年:立足國內,打造出過硬得石油工具產品交易平臺

Xinghang enterprise will pursue the business philosophy of “ gaining a foothold in china and striding to the world “ 星航企業以“立足中國,面向世界”為經營理念。

We try hard for creative , slice the solid having a foothold to meets the demands in the orientation market 研發與設計我們力求創新,切實立足于適應市場滿足需求。

Would she keep it a secret if death stood before me ? what could some cards hold , where is her foothold 你的心到底在想些什么為什么留下這個結局讓我承受

Grasp the persistent ailment of street peace order and have a foothold in street peace order prevention and control 把握街面治安頑點立足街面治安防控

As long as i concentrated on this flickering red line i ' d maintain a foothold to life 只要我集中注意力到這條閃爍不定的紅線上,我就可以保住性命。

It may be many years before the new company can gain a secure foothold in the market 也許要經過若干年這家新公司才能在市場上取得穩固的立足點。

Be really be compelled of can ' t have a foothold , also have to beat a way to return to mansion 就是真的被逼的無法立足,也只好打道回府了

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent 之所以暴君可以立足,是因為擁有良知的人民沉默。

They don ' t want the spouses to get a foothold in the country , ” sullivan says 他們不想讓移民配偶們在這個國家找到立腳點。 “莎莉文說。

A hoof scooped anyway for new foothold after sleep and harness jingled 醒過來后,一只馬蹄好歹找到新的立足點,挽具丁零當啷直響。

Since then it has been trying to gain a foothold in growing markets overseas 此后,聯想一直試圖在不斷增長的海外市場站穩腳跟。