
fontainebleau n.楓丹白露〔法國北部一城市〕。


Christina is proficient in the languages of english , mandarin , cantonese and basic malay , and has tertiary educational qualifications from insead fontainebleau ; university of michigan , and the national university of singapore Christina的國籍為新加坡,精通英文、國語、廣東話及基本馬來話,并畢業于密西根大學、新加坡國立大學及法國知名商學學府inseadfontainebleau 。

“ undoubtedly ; - at ten o clock at night his horses took him to the barrier of charenton ; there a post - chaise was waiting for him - he entered it with his valet de chambre , saying that he was going to fontainebleau . 昨天晚上十點鐘,他乘馬車到了卡蘭登城門,那兒有一輛驛車在等著他,他帶著貼身仆人上了車,對他自己的車夫說是到楓丹白露去。 ”

Prof hawawini is adamant that there will be no school naming gift , though he believes each of the two campuses , in fontainebleau and singapore , could be named after a donor 哈瓦維尼教授堅持認為,不會以捐贈者的名字來命名學校,但他相信,楓丹白露和新加坡這兩個校區都有可能以捐贈者的名字來命名。

He knew , that i should arrive to - day at ten o clock ; he was waiting for me at nine at the barri re de fontainebleau 他知道我今天十點鐘到,所以從九點鐘起,他就在楓丹白露的木柵門口等候我了。

For although i would be attending insead in singapore , all the accounting is handled from fontainebleau 盡管我是在新加坡上學,財務結算都在楓丹白露。

“ he abdicated at fontainebleau in 1814 , and was sent to the island of elba “他是一八一四年在楓丹白露遜位的,以后就被押到厄爾巴島去了。

Fontainebleau palace garden 楓丹白露宮園

“ to fontainebleau , “ replied eug nie with an almost masculine voice “到楓丹白露,歐熱妮用一種近似男性的聲音回答。

Well , looks like the fontainebleau 就像夕陽中的楓丹白露

Yeah , but the fontainebleau has had a lot of work done 楓丹白露也不是一天就建起來的

A little later at fontainebleau the emperor abdicated . 稍后皇帝在楓丹白露退位了。