
foe n.1.敵人;仇敵 (opp. friend), 敵軍,...


The wounded knight refused to yield to his foe 受傷的騎士拒絕向敵人投降。

Kyoung ah , foes anybody know that you were here Kyoung ah ,有仇家知道你曾經在這嗎

Foes gain a + 2 bonus to hit stunned characters 對被震懾的人物進行攻擊可獲得+ 2加值。

Will these heroes find friends or foes 這些英雄們是會發現敵人還是朋友呢?

One foe is too many ; and a hundred friends too few 朋友成百猶覺少,仇敵一人已嫌多。

Thyself thy foe , to thy sweet self too cruel 你是跟自己作對,教自己受害,

He fell defending us from many foes . - pippin 他為保護我們在與敵人拚殺中犧牲-皮平

And a man ' s foes shall be they of his own household 36人的仇敵,就是自己家里的人。

Jesus can see the invisible crisis and foe 耶穌可以看到不可見的危機跟敵人。

Guo song - tao - a foe to taiping heavenly kingdom 試論郭嵩燾與太平天國起義的不解之緣

Who s on the other side , friend or foe 門的那一邊會站著甚么人呢?是敵是友?

Anger is self - punishment with another ' s foe 生氣是拿別人做錯的事來懲罰自己。

On your right upper arm , to tell friend from foe 把這個綁到右臂上,區分敵我

He ' d proven himself to be a formidable foe 但是他證明了自己是一個強有力的敵人

Daemons , our ancient foe . to war , my kin 惡魔,我們遠古的對手,戰斗吧,同胞們!

One foe is too many , and a hundred friends too few 一個仇人夠多,百個朋友嫌少。

One foe is too many ; and a hundred friend too few 一個仇人太多,百個朋友嫌少。

One foe is too many ; and a hundred friends too few 一個敵人太多,百個朋友太少。

There is a destiny in war, to which a brave man knows how to submit, with the same courage that he faces his foes . 戰爭也有它的定命,一個勇敢的人,是懂得怎樣拿出勇氣來屈服于命運的,正象他懂得怎樣拿出勇氣來對付敵人一樣。