
focalize vt.1.使聚焦,使集中在焦點上。2.調節(焦距),使(...


More exactly , the author will put more emphasis on the cooperative education mechanism in the secondary industry , which can make the research more focalized , for technical talents at this level are distributed in all walks of life and specific ways of training talents are different from one another . research on the fields of other industries will be made further later 整個研究思路以社會生產領域的技術發展為依據,結合產學合作的成功模式,充分探析了產學合作對本科層次技術型人才培養的效能,揭示了我國當前產學合作中存在的一些問題,并就這些問題從理論和實踐兩個層面作了進一步的探索,擬提出相應的對策和思考。

It is impossible , of course , to focalize the sunlight within the human body , so we have to use a kind of high - energy high - penetrability ray such as gamma ray . meanwhile , focalization of gamma ray , not as simple as that of magnifier , should be based on comprehensive utilization of various modern technologies such as nuclear physics , computer , bioradiology and electromechanism 當然,要想在人體內聚焦,用太陽光線是不可能的,而必須采用具有穿透力的高能射線如伽瑪射線同時,要讓伽瑪射線聚焦也不像放大鏡聚焦那樣簡單,而要綜合利用核物理計算機生物放射機電等一系列現代技術才能實現。

This paper has focalized explosion suppression principle , and discussed possible effects on explosion suppression performances of expanded alloy , and stated possible bad effects on aircraft performances combined with explosion suppression design of wing integer fuel tank 本論文著重討論了網狀鋁合金抑爆材料的抑爆機理,并分三個階段討論了可能影響抑爆性能的因素,同時結合某機型機翼整體燃油箱防爆設計,闡述抑爆材料裝填后可能對飛機性能造成的不利影響。

A sample is put on the table which is processed into a inclined plane on the filmed plane , and two interfaces of a film are focalized , then the thickness is read out that is a difference between the heights of two interfaces of a film 將實驗樣品的覆膜面打磨成斜面后平放在金相顯微鏡樣品臺上,分別對膜層的兩個界面對焦,從對焦旋鈕上讀出兩焦面的高度差即為膜層的厚度。

Most of the theoretical researching of correcting building technique skimpily focalized point on deformation of soil released stress . the change of loading and deformation of foundation and structure were seldom considered 糾偏技術的理論研究,大多單純著眼于土體在應力釋放后自身的變形狀況,很少考慮到結構和基礎的變形及上部荷載的變化與土體變形的相互影響。

Based on the analysis of the type and environment of the compensation strategy in these smes , the author advances the proposal that they should take a more flexible and focalized mixed compensation strategy 本文在分析我國中小民營科技企業薪酬戰略的類型、戰略環境的基礎上,提出中小民營科技企業應采取靈活而富有針對性的混合薪酬戰略的設想。

It is very hard to ask a person in a few minutes about his entire life , so i won ' t , and i ' ll just try to focalize on some moments of your enormous work 要在幾分鐘之內詢問一個人的一生是非常困難的事,所以我不會這樣做,因此我將把問題的焦點放在影響你一些重要作品的時刻。

By its multi - solution idea , we can focalize discretionary detail of detection of cable - stayed bridge and process in time field and frequency field 利用小波分析的多分辨率分析思想,可以聚焦到信號的任意細節進行時頻域處理,適合斜拉橋振動狀態的監測。

The water and food security country profiles provide focalized information on the state of water resources and food security globally in a country - specific format “國家水和糧食安全概況”以國家為單位有重點地介紹全球水資源和糧食安全狀況。

Presently urban plan focalizes on eco - city construction 目前有關生態城市的建設已經成了城市規劃的熱點。