
flyweight n.1.最輕級(拳擊選手)。2.小東西,無足輕重的東西。


The flyweight pattern employs a factory method to dispense references to immutable fine - grained objects and uses sharing to keep the object count down by only having a single instance of the object corresponding to the letter “ a . “ for more information on the flyweight pattern , see the classic book , Flyweight模式采用工廠方法來分配對不變的細顆粒度對象的引用,并通過僅使一個對象實例與字母“ a ”對應來利用共享縮減對象數。有關flyweight模式的更多信息,請參閱經典書籍

Although he was never an olympian himself , he paved the way for many talented chinese lifters , ranging from flyweight to super heavyweight , to succeed in the olympics 盡管他自己從未參加過奧運會,但他為許多才能出眾的中國舉重運動員(不管是次輕量級也好,超重量級也好)在奧運會上獲得勝利鋪平了道路。

Immutability is what enables the flyweight pattern , which uses sharing to facilitate using objects to represent large numbers of fine - grained objects efficiently 不變性啟用了flyweight模式,該模式利用共享使得用對象有效地表示大量細顆粒度的對象變得容易。

Light flyweight 48 light welterweight 63 . 5 公斤級,輕中量級