
flush vi.1.奔流,涌進;泛濫,充溢。2.(臉色等)驟然發紅...

flush deck

There are, in fact, two kinds of situation that involve lateral heat flush . 實際上,有兩種情況存在著橫向熱流動。

It loosed a nervous flush along his back which pricked painfully . 他頓時感到背上火辣辣的一陣灼熱,針刺般的生疼。

The pink flush was in her face, and she quivered from head to foot . 她臉上升起了一陣紅潮,從頭到腳都在顫栗。

Half an hour later, heyward stormed in, his face flushed . 半小時以后,海沃德氣沖沖地闖了進來,面孔漲得通紅。

The sunset was merely a flush of rose on a dome of silver . 銀灰色的天穹上,落日只剩下最后一抹玫瑰色的余輝。

It was rather a close day; the heat of the weather had flushed her . 那天天氣比較悶熱,熱得她面孔紅紅的。

In general, there seemed to be four stages to the flush and crash . 一般說來,從暴長到破產經歷了4個階段。

He seemed quite angry. his face was flushed and his cheeks burning . 他仿佛挺生氣:面孔通紅,臉頰火熱。

He flushed the drain . 他用水沖排水溝。

The democratic victors were flushed with congratulations . 獲勝的民主黨人開始源源不斷地接到賀電。

Flush the toilet after use . 便后沖水。

“mrs. linton sat down by the fire, flushed and gloomy . 林頓夫人坐在爐火旁,兩頰通紅郁郁不樂。

Pen sprang up with very bright eyes, and a flushed face . 潘一躍而起,眼睛水汪汪的,滿臉通紅。

The reservoir was flush . 水庫里裝滿著水。

Shame flushed his cheeks . 他羞得兩頰通紅。

He felt a flush of shame . 他感到一陣羞愧。

Her face flushed scarlet . 她的臉漲得通紅。

Its flushing action is impaired by the surrounding islands . 其宣泄道道則為周圍島嶼所阻滯。

His face was flushed and eager, his eyes were strained . 他的臉急得發紅,他的眼睛睜得很大。