
flowery adj.(-erier; -iest)1.花的,花似的。...


Slowly , but with no doubt or hesitation whatever , and in something of a solemn expectancy , the two animals passed through the broken tumultuous water and moored their boat at the flowery margin of the island 兩只動物懷著某種莊嚴的期待,毫不遲疑地把船劃過那喧囂動蕩的水面,停舶在小島鮮花似錦的岸邊。

Lovely spot it must be : the garden of the world , big lazy leaves to float about on , cactuses , flowery meads , snaky lianas they call them 那準是個可愛的地方,不啻是世界的樂園;慵懶的寬葉,簡直可以坐在上面到處漂浮。仙人掌,鮮花盛開的草原,還有那他們稱作蛇蔓的。

The age 16 is a flowery season , while 17 , a rainy season ; 16 is full of romance , 17 is full of mysterious . the rainy season comes only once . treasure the mysterious carefully 16歲是花季, 17歲是雨季, 16歲浪漫多姿, 17歲朦朧神秘,雨季不會再來,好好珍惜那種神秘。

This lesson we ' ll learn how to create an effect of artificial hair , work with textures and layers , create shadows and highlights and also represent flowery ornaments 這篇教程我們將學習如何繪制假發,紋理處理,層操作,陰影繪制,裝飾花紋繪制。

From a flowery arch at the bottom of my garden i gazed over the sea - bluer than the sky : the old world was beyond ; clear prospects opened thus : - 我從花園頂端拱形花棚下眺望著大海它比天空更加蔚藍。舊世界已經遠去,清晰的前景展現在面前,于是:

It is more difficult to write simply , directly , and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one ' s meaning 相對于使用只能模糊作者意圖的華麗而含糊的表達,簡單、直接和有效地寫作是比較困難的。

In each period the linguist must consider not only correct speech and flowery language , but all other forms of expression as well 對每一個時期,語言學家不僅要注意正確的語言和“優美的語言” ,而且要注意所有其他的表達形式。

Perfumes are displayed on steel shelves according to the kind of scent , be it fruity or flowery or like wood or leather 在這間香水吧里,香水陳列在鐵架上,根據味道的種類而分開,如果味、花味、木質甚至皮革味道等。

It is more difficult to write simply , directly , and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one ' s meaning 簡明,直接,有力的確是的寫作難于花哨,含混而意義模糊的確是的表達。

Give a complete blossom and foliage description . do not give a flowery , exaggerated description . keep it short and concise , but complete 完整描述花型及葉型,但不要有太多的綴辭,簡短但完整的描述為佳。

It is more difficult to write simply , directly , and effectively than to empoly flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one ' s meaning 簡潔,直接和有力的寫作難于花哨,含混而意義模糊的表達。

It is more difficult to write simply , directly , and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one ' s meaning 簡明,直接,有力的寫作難于花哨,含混而意義模糊的表達。

September flowers are less varied than those of may but so abundant that they make september another flowery month 九月間花草種類不如五月繁多,但也如此豐富,使九月成為另一個繁花似錦的月份。

It is more difficult to write simply , directly , and effectively than to employ flowery but vague s that only obscure one ' s meaning 簡明,直接,有力的寫作難于花哨,含混而意義模糊的表達。

Flowery veins were not enough large , and the beard od dragon also grew . i think it was earlier than ming dynasty , never mind 花的紋飾不夠肥枝大葉,龍須也長了點,個人意見不到明,無知勿怪。

Throw in her flowery way of speaking and she is a sight to see - if not a little confusing to her enemies 她能說得天花亂墜,如果敵人還沒有被搞糊涂的話,她也是一道值得觀看的風景。

September flowers are less varied than those of may but so abundant that they make september another flowery month 九月花草爭榮,不亞于百花競放的五月,又是一個繁華似錦的季節。

A : personally , i quite like the new perfume by clinique . it ' s a subtle flowery scent . what do you think 就個人而言,我非常喜歡倩碧的這個新款。屬于神秘花香型。你覺得怎么樣?

The pickle jar had taught me all these virtues far more eloquently than the most flowery of words could have done 咸菜壇子教會了我所有的美德,它比那些華麗的辭藻更有說服力。