flout vt.藐視,輕視,嘲笑。vi.表示輕蔑。n.嘲笑;侮慢,...
vt. 藐視,輕視,嘲笑。 vi. 表示輕蔑。 n. 嘲笑;侮慢,表示輕蔑的言行。 adv. -ingly “floutard“ 中文翻譯: 弗盧塔爾“flousilicate“ 中文翻譯: 氟硅“floutier“ 中文翻譯: 弗盧捷“flouting“ 中文翻譯: 嘲笑“flouryalumina“ 中文翻譯: 面粉狀氧化鋁“flouvat“ 中文翻譯: 弗盧瓦“floury texture“ 中文翻譯: 粉末質地“flouve oil“ 中文翻譯: 黃花茅油“floury structure“ 中文翻譯: 粉末狀結構
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China argued that sovereignty must be treated as inviolable , even as many countries in addition to the united states began to argue that sovereignty could no longer shield those , such as slobodan milosevic , who flout international norms or mercilessly abuse the rights of their citizens . china defended the principle of non - intervention - just as americans and others began to think in new , creative directions about legitimacy and sovereignty 中國堅持主權不可侵犯,然而許多國家象美國一樣,開始主張再也不能拿主權為盾牌去保護米洛舍維奇這類蔑視國際準則或殘暴踐踏本國公民權利的人。中國堅持不干涉原則,而美國和其他國家則開始按照新的、創造性的思路來對合法性和主權進行思考。 |
And when this concerns , for example , the flow of money between a parent company and a subsidiary with highly integrated business and management structure , operating closely in both jurisdictions and in different legal forms , and assisted by sophisticated financial and information technology , it is possible that rules do not really mean much . then the authorities would be faced with the situation in which the rules are blatantly flouted 以某母公司與其附屬公司為例,若兩者的業務與管理架構高度集中,在本港與內地各自根據不同法律形式運作,但彼此關系相當緊密,同時采用先進的金融及資訊科技,那么即使訂下限制母公司與附屬公司之間資金流向的規定,也未必會產生太大作用。 |
The yen to go back to basics means consumers will shun garish status symbols to focus on core values like quality . with firms firing staff and stock markets tumbling , it may seem tasteless to flout a new 0 dior saddle “ bag , but buying a cashmere sweater from donna karan qualifies as an investment 在即將過去的一年中各大公司紛紛裁員,股市狂跌,在如此不景氣的經濟環境下,與其花600美元買一個dior的掛包在人前炫耀,還不如去買一個donna karan牌的開司米羊毛衫來的實惠。 |
Heads will also have to ensure their staff have a good “ work - life balance “ , and the national association of schoolmasters union of women teachers ( nasuwt ) warned it would “ resist vigorously “ any attempts to flout the agreement 新的國家工作量規定,將從九月一日開始生效,從此以后,中小學的校長將不再有權利命令教師去做一些有關行政管理上的工作,比如說向學生收集伙食費,登記缺席的學生名單等。 |
Such an approach thus discriminates against this class of people , flouting the principles of basic justice and equality which should underlie the government and thus violating article 25 of the basic law s protection of equality before the law 這種帶有歧視的做法,蔑視政府應依循的公義平等的基本原則,違反基本法第二十五條保障法律面前人人平等,也助長群眾歧視新移民。 |
China is still in the early stages of developing the type of product - liability and product - recall system that is common in many western countries , a situation that leaves little liability for companies that flout regulations that are rarely enforced 中國在建立西方國家已普遍采用的產品問責和召回制度方面仍處于起步階段,即使公司違抗鮮有執行的法規,也很少會承擔責任。 |
He announced that france might again flout the euroarea stability pact ' s restrictions on budget deficits , and repeated his previous complaints about the strength of the euro and the tight monetary policy of the european central bank 會中他宣布法國可能會再次違反歐元區穩定協議中關于限制財政赤字的規定,同時重復了他之前對歐元堅挺和歐洲央行對于緊縮性貨幣政策的不滿。 |
In a final statement before she was sentenced , hilton , dressed in a gray waist jacket , white blouse and black pants , her blond hair tied back in a pony tail , stood before the judge and denied that she had sought to flout the law 5月4日她在父母和律師的陪同下前往法庭接受審訊,法官批評她明知自己被吊銷駕照還仍公然違法駕車,屬知法犯法行為,因此裁定她須入獄45天 |
Moreover , harry ' s tendency to bypass or simply flout the rules is a matter of moral concern for him : he wonders and worries about the self - justifications he offers , and often doubts not just his abilities but his virtue 此外,哈利常被自己規避和無視校規這樣一個道德上的問題所困擾:他懷疑和擔心那些自我辯解之詞,常常不只懷疑自己的能力,更懷疑自己的本質。 |
Gp gives detailed explanations for the violation of each maxim of cp , and the effects achieved are also illustrated . among the five types of non - observance of cp , the flouting of cp maxims is much more attached on 再次,在合作原則的四條準則中,違反質量準則和關系準則的情況較其它兩條準則多,而頻繁的“情感訴求”業已成為當今廣告的趨勢。 |
But wait , there is a change a foot . increasingly , footballers are making the transition from flouting all style rules to actually setting the trends . there is a revolution going on in locker rooms around the world 但請等一下,現在有些變化,球星們逐漸從藐視一切時尚規則轉向引導潮流,眼下,全世界的更衣室里正發生著革命。 |
Europe “ s highest court imposed a ? 20m ( ? 14m ) fine on france yesterday , along with an extra six - monthly penalty for persistently flouting eu rules to protect fish stocks 由于法國長期以來一直藐視歐盟有關保護魚類資源的法規,歐洲法院于7月12日判處該國繳納2000萬歐元的罰款,另外還必須每半年再交一筆罰款。 |
Governments that temporize and seek intricate diplomatic excuses to look the other way , as they did when iraq used chemical weapons because they feared iran would win , are not only flouting morality 某些政府因恐伊朗獲勝,當伊拉克使用化學武器時,因循遷就,并找尋錯綜復雜的外交藉口而不予理會。 |
A much smaller au force , less than 7 , 000 - strong , due to be merged with the un force , has been struggling to make an endlessly flouted ceasefire stick since 2004 一個規模小得多的非盟軍隊預計將與聯合國的軍隊合并,該非盟軍少于七千人,并且自2004年以來一直努力在加速停火局勢的進程。 |
Came now the storm that hist his heart . and master lynch bade him have a care to flout and witwanton as the god self was angered for his hellprate and paganry 林奇君矚彼曰,力戒對人出口不遜,肆意謾罵,蓋其應下地獄之饒舌與褻讀神明之言詞,使神震怒也。 |
All internal control systems do , however , have inherent shortcomings , including the possibility of human error and the evasion or flouting of control measures 然而,所有內部控制制度均有不足之處,包括可能出現人為錯誤及規避或藐視控制措施。 |
An east china city ‘ s hopes for clear water and blue skies have been shattered by companies that continually flout environmental regulations 企業不斷地違反環保規定挫敗了中國東部淄博市為建設成為“國家環保模范城市”的努力。 |
“ what ' s known is that act is being flouted . you go in for an ultrasound and you ' re handed a pink candy or a blue candy . 在我國,超聲波已經成為毀壞性武器,我們發現它不是為了保護生命,成千上萬的女孩在出生之前被毀滅掉了 |
The web is famous for all the pages that flout html and xhtml standards , and this has been the cause of many widely discussed problems Web以蔑視html和xhtml標準的網頁而出名,這也是造成很多受到廣泛關注的問題的緣由。 |