
flounder vi.1.掙扎 (in), 肢體亂動,踉蹌。2.著慌,勉...


He was like a vessel , powerful and dangerous , but rolling and floundering without sail 他就像一艘戰船,強大而有威懾力,就是沒有風帆,只好在海上搖擺掙扎。

I wasn ' t expecting the interviewer to ask about my private life and was left floundering for a while 我沒想到主持面試的人問我私生活的事,就猶豫了一下

A heavy lorry was floundering around in the thick mud at the entrance to the . building site 一輛重型卡車在建筑工地入口處的爛泥中吃力地移動著。

Anna couldn ' t swim and was left floundering ( about / around ) in the deep end of the swimming - pool 安娜不會游泳,在游泳池的深水區里掙扎著

He s bound to flounder . but he does his duty all right , as far as i m concerned 不過,我是不喜歡看見他擺出中尉梅樂士的樣子的。 ”

The next question from counsel left the witness flounder about for an answer 辯護人提出的下一個問題使證人吱吱晤晤答不上來。

The more george bush flounders in iraq , the greater his temptation to blame iran 布什在伊拉克越是深陷泥潭,就越愛指責伊朗。

Pepper salt fried flounder 香煎鯽魚

Robot flounder games 貍貓大冒險小游戲

Formula feed of flounder 牙鲆配合飼料

4455 robot flounder games 更多同類游戲

“ husband , “ she said , “ go to the flounder . i want to be emperor . 當家的,妻子說,快去找比目魚。說我要當皇帝。

We are glad that we live near the sea because we love to eat flounder 我們非常高興住在海邊,因為我們非常愛吃比目魚。

The more george bush flounders in iraq , the greater his temptation to blame iran 布什在伊拉克越是,就越愛指責伊朗。

The child floundered in the water till someone jumped in do save him 孩子在水中拚命掙扎,直到有人跳入水中把他救起。

Robot flounder introduction 機器人小胖游戲攻略

“ husband , “ she said , “ go to the flounder . i want to be emperor . 哎呀,老婆,丈夫說,你干嘛要當皇帝呢?

Design and cloning a modified synthetic gene for flounder antifreeze peptide 修飾合成冬鰈抗凍肽基因的設計和克隆

He floundered for a fresh start 他掙扎著另謀出路。