
flotsam n.1.(失事船只的)殘骸和漂出物。2.〔集合詞〕流浪者...


The unexpected discovery of an object of great monetary value : precious stone , valuable adhesive or impressed postage stamps 7 - shilling , mauve , imperforate , hamburg , 1866 : 4 pence , rose , blue paper perforate , great britain , 1866 : 1 franc , stone , official , rouletted , diagonal surcharge , luxembourg , 1878 : antique dynastical ring , unique relic in unusual repositories or by unusual means : from the air dropped by an eagle in flight , by fire amid the carbonised remains of an incendiated edifice , in the sea amid flotsam , jetsam , lagan and derelict , on earth in the gizzard of a comestible fowl 意外地發現一樣非常值錢的東西:寶石,貴重的帶膠郵票或蓋了戳的郵票七先令,淡紫色,無孔,漢堡,一八六六264四便士,玫瑰色,藍地上有孔,英國,一八五五265一法郎,黃褐色,官方印制,刻有騎縫孔的,斜著蓋有加價印記,盧森堡,一八七八266 。古代王朝的戒指,稀世遺寶,在不同尋常的地方或以不同尋常的方式出現:從天而降飛鷹丟下的,借著一場火在焚毀成焦炭的大廈灰燼當中,大海里在漂流物失事船只的丟棄物系上浮標投下水的貨物以及無主物當中,在地面上在食用禽的胗里。

Thai authorities see them differently : as the flotsam of human trafficking , like hundreds of thousands of other economic migrants from the country ' s poorer neighbors , myanmar , cambodia and laos 泰國官方的觀點卻不一樣:他們視?族人為偷渡入境的貧民,和其馀10幾萬因為經濟因素從泰國的窮鄰居?高棉、柬埔寨和寮國?等地涌入的移民沒有什麼不同。

Lost - and - found objects , flotsam and stray animals shall be returned to their rightful owners , and any costs thus incurred shall be reimbursed by the owners 拾得遺失物、漂流物或者失散的飼養動物,應當歸還失主,因此而支出的費用由失主償還。

Lost - and - found objects , flotsam and stray animals shall be returned to their rightful owners , and any costs thus incurred shall be reimbursed by the owners 拾得遺失物漂流物或者失散的飼養動物,應當歸還失主,因此而支出的費用由失主償還。

The motions of this visible material reveal that it is mere flotsam on an unseen sea of unknown material 從這類可見物質的運動顯示,它們只不過像是在未知物質組成的不可見海洋上飄流的殘骸。

Collisions with small space flotsam can [ color = red ] [ b ] obliterate [ / b ] [ / color ] a ship 與太空中很小的漂浮物的碰撞可能完全摧毀一艘飛船。

Lost - and - found objects flotsam 遺失物漂流物

Lost - and - found objects , flotsam 遺失物漂流物

Collisions with small space flotsam can obliterate a ship 與太空中很小的漂浮物的碰撞可能完全摧毀一艘飛船。

After the storm , the sea was covered with flotsam and jetsam 暴風雨后,海上漂浮著遇難船只的殘骸和貨物。

Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war 貧病交迫的難民都是在戰爭中流離失所的。

Floating objects or material ; flotsam 漂浮物漂浮的物品或材料;漂浮物