
florilegium n.(pl. -gia )1.花譜,群芳譜。2.名詩選,...


His poetical works are comprehensible and generally welcomed . however , the comments concerning how his poetry were compiled and how they spreaded , are incomplete . this thesis will reveal the true relations among zheng gu ’ s poetry anthology editions by emending all his anthology editions and his poems scattered in other florilegiums and referring to bibliothecas and other material 今通過校勘國內現存各種版本鄭谷別集與散見于總集、選集及其他文獻中所收鄭谷詩,結合官私書目中鄭谷詩集的著錄情況,并參考歷代詩話、筆記及今人研究成果,試圖揭示鄭谷詩集之版本源流及傳承關系。

Cui zien ' s writings have been released since 1993 , but for some unexplainable reasons , readers couldn ' t read his novels until zhuhai publishing house published his florilegium pink series in 2003 雖然早在1993年他的部分小說已經成文,但由于種種原因,在2003年珠海出版社出版了以“桃色文學系列”命名的作品集以后,大陸的讀者才有幸系統一窺他的文學風貌。

A tentative study of relationship between keju imperial examinations and literature of ming dynasty focus on literature florilegium 試論以選文為中心的明代科舉與文學的關系