
flopper n.1.(拍動翅膀學飛的)幼禽。2.〔美俚〕變節者。3....


At practice on wednesday , one of the local radio guys asked if i thought luis scola would be like anderson varejao , the high - energy flopper who played such a key role for the cavaliers last season 在火箭周三的訓練中,當地電臺的一位朋友問我斯科拉是否會成為像上賽季騎士隊瓦萊喬那樣的球員,在球場上沖擊力十足。

This has been a bone of contention around the league , as some feel that varejao is a “ flopper 這些已經成為這個聯盟的爭論焦點,因為有些人認為瓦萊喬是一個“捏造事故從而獲利的騙子” 。

Sorry ! i ' m a gutless flip - flopper 抱歉,我是一棵墻頭草