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floating rate 浮動匯率。

floating rib

The thesis analysed on the fact that it is no good to have the fixed exchange rate regime so far as the economic leverage is concerned . moreover , we are not yet ready for floating exchange rate regime . so we have to take a “ middle way “ between the fixed and floating rate 本論文重點分析了在中國金融進一步開放中,實施固定匯率制不利于發揮匯率的經濟杠桿作用,而實施浮動匯率制的條件又不具備,只能選擇介于固定與浮動兩極之間的“中間匯率安排” 。

Make in floating rate below , the main factor that affects exchange rate has : government of balance of payments , money rate , each country and central bank collect the value that monetary itself represents , one country external the element such as the interpose of the market , politics , psychology , spec 在浮動匯率制下,影響匯率的主要因素有:貨幣本身代表的價值、一國國際收支、利息率、各國政府和中心銀行對外匯市場的干預、政治、心理、投機等因素。

This can be a fixed rate i . e . the rate is fixed throughout the life of a bond as in the case of exchange fund notes , floating rate i . e . the rate is reset periodically based on some reference rate , such as hibor or libor , plus a spread or zero rate 息票率可以是固定即在債券的整個年期內息率均固定的,外匯基金債券便是一例浮動即息率是定期厘定,方法是根據某個參考利率,例如香港銀行同業拆息或倫敦銀行同業拆息加某個差幅或零息率。

From now on , china should start to take her international finance policy for the coming decade into thoroughly future - toward consideration , and clarify her profound standpoint on the essential problems , such as rmb revaluation , floating rate , and opening capital account 從現在開始,中國必須開始將自己在未來十年里的國際金融政策做通盤的前瞻性考慮,必須搞清楚本國在人民幣升值,浮動匯率與開放資本賬戶等根本性問題上的基本立場。

The corporation was able to achieve a substantial saving in funding cost by adopting a pre - funding strategy to capture market opportunities in the first half of 2000 to issue debts at sub - hibor levels after swapping the proceeds into floating rate obligations 按揭證券公司采取積極的預先集資策略,在年上半年把握有利的市場機會,以經利率掉期后低于港元銀行同業拆息的息率發債,因而大大減低資金成本。

In recognition of the lower credit risk of fixed rate mortgages and in line with the practice in the us , the existing 6 - month seasoning requirement for floating rate mortgages will not be applied to the fixed rate mortgages originated under the pilot scheme 鑒于定息按揭信貸風險較低,同時參考美國的做法,按揭證券公司現時對浮息按揭所定必須已供款個月的要求將不適用于試驗計劃下的定息按揭。

In 1994 , foreign exchange management system reform has been executed and the single , managing floating rate regime based on market supply and demand has been running in china since then . 1996 , china has realized rmb exchangeable under current account 我國1994年進行了外匯管理體制改革,實現了以市場供求為基礎的、單一的、有管理的浮動匯率制,并于1996年實現了經常項目下的人民幣可兌換。

All mortgages conforming to hkmc s purchasing criteria see below , irrespective of whether the loans will be sold to the hkmc , will be eligible for the mortgage guarantee . this will apply to both floating rate and fixed rate mortgage loans 所有符合按揭證券公司購買準則見下文的按揭貸款,無論會否售予按揭證券公司,都合資格獲提供按揭擔保,而且按揭擔保同時適用于浮息和定息按揭貸款。

Chinese current exchange rate regime is managing floating rate one . because of capital and finance account control , rmb exchange rate is determined by current account balance , especially international trade balance , on the whole 我國現行的人民幣匯率制度是有管理的浮動匯率制,由于我國實行資本項目的管制,人民幣匯率基本上是由經常項目收支尤其是對外貿易收支決定的。

Therefore , if we want that exchange rate can run to balance automatically , it is consequential to extend the floating range . however , no matter which system has been chosen while transferring toward the floating rate of 然而在向浮動匯率制度過渡時,不管選擇的是那種匯率制度,涉及到的方面主要是:放開單日匯率浮動區間、匯率提高(這是任何發展中國家向發達國家

The borrower will be given a choice at the end of the 3 - year period either to re - fix the mortgage rate for another term at the then prevailing fixed rate specified by the hkmc or to convert the mortgage loan to a floating rate basis 貸款人可在該年期結束時選擇按照按揭證券公司當時指定的固定息率,為另一期限再定按揭息率,或將按揭貸款改以浮動息率計算利息。

Adviser normally invests the fund ' s assets primarily in interests in senior floating rate loans but may also in revolving credit lines , other types of floating rate debt securities , and money market instruments 投資顧問通常主要把基金資產投入到一些優先浮息貸款,但也不免在循環信貸額以及其他類型的浮動利率債務證券和貨幣工具上做出相應的投資。

Chinese people bank announced on july 21 , 2005 , our country begins to execute for foundation , reference with market supply and demand one basket money undertakes modulatory , the floating rate system that has government 2005年7月21日中國人民銀行公布,我國開始實行以市場供求為基礎、參考一籃子貨幣進行調節、有治理的浮動匯率制度。

Bbb normally invests at least 80 % of the fund ' s assets in floating rate loans and other floating rate instruments and money market instruments with a remaining maturity of 60 days or less 投資者基金( bbb基金評級)在一般情況下會把至少百分之八十的資產投入到浮息貸款和其它一些浮息工具以及債項到期時間少于或等于六十天的貨幣工具。

D for the period between january 2004 and march 2007 , the mortgage rate of floating rate mortgages will move in line with the movements implied from the pricing of 90 - day libor futures contract dated 16 january 2004 2004年1月至2007年3月的浮息按揭息率將跟隨于2004年1月16日的90日歐洲美元利率期貨反映的未來利率走勢。

At the end of the fixed - rate period , the borrower can choose either to refix the mortgage rate for another fixed term at the then prevailing farm rates or to convert the loan to a floating rate mortgage 于定息期滿后,貸款人可選擇以當時的定息按揭計劃提供的息率重新厘定另一期的定息按揭息率,或將貸款轉為浮息按揭。

July , 21th , the bank of china announced starting to come into practice floating rate system which is based on market supply and demand , controlling it by consulting a basket currency and managing floating rate system 7月21日,央行宣布開始實行以市場供求為基礎、參考一籃子貨幣進行調節、有管理的浮動匯率制度。

Floating rate is made show central bank does not rule one country the official exchange rate of native money and money of his home products , resigned exchange rate is decided initiatively by foreign currency market 浮動匯率制指一國中心銀行不規定本國貨幣與他國貨幣的官方匯率,聽任匯率由外匯市場自發地決定。

The cny sor fixing has been developed by the tma to serve as a market - based floating rate benchmark for renminbi non - deliverable interest rate swaps cny ndirs 由財資市場公會推出的人民幣掉期伸引利率定價將為市場提供一個不交收人民幣利率掉期合約的浮動利率基準。