
fling vt.(flung , flung)1.扔,拋,擲,丟;...


Bertha, with a woman's quick invention, sprang to the door and flung it open . 伯莎發揮一個女人急中生智的創造才能,沖向門口,猛地打開房門。

She flung herself on her bed and began to think and toss, toss and think . 她猛一下倒在床上,想一想,又翻來復去地打滾,打一陣滾,又想一想。

Mr. toohey, with a wide fling, flung the contents of the basket across the lawn . 托赫先生揮臂一拋,把籃子里的東西向那邊的草坪擲了過去。

She will very likely fling the books away, and refuse all acquaintance with the givers . 她準會把小冊子丟掉,并且拒絕和贈書的人相見。

There is little use in lamentations, and less still, young woman, in flings . 埋怨沒有用,年輕的姑娘,諷刺挖苦就更沒有什么意思了。

Neither the importance nor even the existence of fling is universally accepted . 彈跳的重要性,甚至其存在,并未被所有的人所接受。

Simonne flung a fur-lined pelisse briskly over her shoulders, and went out . 西蒙把一件沿皮邊的披衣,猛然往肩后一披,就走出去了。

One theory is that the fling or rebound along the fault is the source of the waves . 一種理論認為,波源乃是沿著斷層的跳動或回跳。

A fine shadow was flung over the deep green meadow, darkening all . 美麗的夜幕已經降臨到深綠色的草地上,一切都給吞沒在黑夜之中。

The furious tempest drove over and round us, flinging the boat this way and that . 洶涌的波濤在我們的四周回漩,把船擲來擲去。

It had an outline in vagueness, and was flung out to be apprehended . 在有了模糊的輪廓后,(她)把它順嘴說出來,是讓人領悟。

She brought out the girl on purpose, and flung them together until it happened . 她有意把這位小姐帶出來,把兩人撮和在一起。

He had flung a leg of lamb at some indelicate disturbing tutor . 他曾經在那兒把一只羊腿扔到一個粗鄙惹人的導師的身上。

Lily flung out her hand, groped for her friend's and held it fast . 麗莉猛地伸出手,摸到她朋友的手,緊緊地攥住。

When a question on that had rushed upon me, i flung it off . 每當這樣一個問題突然涌上我的腦際,我連忙把它甩掉。

She recalled the rapture with which she had flung herself into his arms . 她重溫了使她投入他懷抱里的那種狂熱。

Suddenly the door was unlocked on the inside and flung violently open . 有人突然從里面啟鎖,門猛地一閃打開了。

This, though we did not know it, was the enemy's parting fling . 這是敵人告別時的一擊,但是當時我們并不知道。

The explosion flings out perhaps half the star's mass into space . 爆炸也許把恒星的一半質量擲到空間。