
flicker n.1.閃爍,搖;忽隱忽現;撲動。2.〔美俚〕假裝昏倒的...


Our lamp had flickered in the evening breeze and died 我們的燈在晚風中顫搖著熄滅了。

Flicker is a common problem when programming graphics 閃爍是圖形編程的一個常見問題。

Shadows of the pendent lamps flickered on the wall 吊燈的陰影在墻上搖曳。

Demonstrates how to reduce flicker with double buffering 演示如何用雙緩存減少閃爍。

Studies on calculation of short term flicker severitv pst 的計算方法的研究

The last faint hope flickered up and died 最后一線微弱的希望閃了一下,即刻熄滅了。

Avoid the use of flickering and blinking contents 避免使用閃爍及發光的效果表達內容

Flickermeter . part 0 : evalution of flicker severity 閃爍計.第0部分:閃爍強度的評價

A little smile , half a grin , flickered on his face 他的臉上露著一種半苦笑的微笑。

I see flickering things in front of my eyes 我看到在我眼睛前面有東西在閃爍。

A gust of wind blew the flickering candle out 一陣風把閃爍不定的蠟燭吹熄了。

Voltage fluctuation and flicker mitigation using statcom 抑制電壓波動和閃變的分析

Flickermeter ; part 0 : evaluation of flicker severity 閃爍計. 0部分:閃爍程度的估計

I like watching the leaves flickering in the wind 我喜歡觀看在風中搖曳的樹葉。

Dusky streams of sunbeams were playing into that room, and lighting up poor harry's gallery of dancing girls and opera nymphs with flickering illuminations . 暗淡的陽光已開始射進屋子,把可憐的福克收羅的那些歌劇舞劇中的美女圖片,照耀得閃閃爍爍,光彩奪目。

An airy and innocent playfulness seemed to flicker like the shadow of summer leaves over her children face, and around her buoyant figure . 她那雅氣的面龐和輕盈的體態上,仿佛老閃現著一股飄逸而天真的淘氣勁兒,就象夏天里樹葉的影子那樣,時隱時現。

All the majesty was gone, or it did but lurk and flicker faintly through her laughing eyes, like lighting seen through sunlight . 一切威嚴持重都不翼而飛,或者說是潛藏不露了,只偶而在她的笑眼中一閃而過,就象陽光下的閃電一樣難以覺察。

Two red sparks flashed for a moment in the woman's sodden eyes, then flickered out and left them dull and glazed . 有一剎那,女人呆板的雙眼里閃動著兩點紅的火星,但是隨后就熄滅了,眼睛又變得呆滯遲鈍起來。

A blue light appeared in the zenith, and in some indescribable manner flickered down near the top of the rod . 天頂出現了一道蘭色的閃電,它以一種不可名狀的方式閃爍不定地落到了垛棍頂端的附近。