
fleecy adj.(fleecier; -iest) 羊毛質的;羊...


Mrs bellingham he addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman balmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person , when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the bellingham escutcheon garnished sable , a buck s head couped or 這家伙用種種筆跡給我寫信,肉麻地恭維我是穿皮衣的維納斯148 ,說他深切地同情我那凍僵了的馬車夫帕爾默,同時又表示羨慕帕爾默的帽子護耳蓬蓬松松的羊皮外衣以及他能呆在我身邊有多么幸運。

Otherwise we found from the experiments that the chloride system erodes seriously the equipment , and that the powders from the sulfate system are too large in size . therefore , only the powders from the system containing alcohol , compared with the powders from the system without alcohol , are fleecier and can be collected more easily 水,乙醇,硝酸鎂和硝酸鋁適宜作為合成尖晶石的起始物,因為通過試驗發現氯化物系統對設備的腐蝕性較大;硫酸鹽系統得到的粉末較粗;含有乙醇的系統得到的粉末比沒有乙醇的系統得到的粉末蓬松,易收集。

Flowing into streams , i ' ve been flying spring stream and waterfall to freshen ridges and peaks up . mingling in rivers to be fleecy waves with songs for smiles of rocks along the side banks ; walking into lakes to gentle waves with green montains for the coming of sun , up and down . finally , i came to you , waiting for your embracing , for you ' re my longing sea , so you ' ll certainly not repudiate me 我流經山谷,看過鳥語花香;我走過草地,聽過蟲鳴蛙鼓;我走過籬落,看過枝頭的第一抹新綠;我匯入泉源,化作飛泉瀑布,給峰巒梳洗打扮;我匯入江河,化作浪花朵朵,給岸邊的巖石唱起動聽的情歌;我匯入湖泊,化作溫柔的碧波,和青山一起,共同迎接日出月落;最后,我來到你面前,等待你的接納,我想你是海,你一定不會因我的渺小而拒絕我的到來。

Dublin lay enveloped in darkness but for the dim light of the moon that shone through fleecy clouds , casting a pale light as if approaching dawn over the streets and the dark waters of the liffey river 然而,一束明滅的月光透過毛茸茸的云朵,放射微微的亮色,恰如黎明蒞臨街市,照亮利夫河深深的河水一樣。

It scudded the fleecy clouds in the heavens , trailed long , thin streamers of smoke from the tall stacks , and raced about the streets and corners in sharp and sudden puffs 寒風使白云在天上疾馳,高煙囪里冒出的煙讓風刮得成了一條條薄薄的橫幅,一直飄出去很遠很遠。狂風在街頭拐角肆虐,橫沖直撞。

It was well after mid night , wrapped in my warm 1 ) fleecy robe i stood silently staring out the ninth floor window of the daunting new york hospital 時間早就過了午夜了,在雄偉威嚴的紐約醫院,我裹在暖暖的羊毛睡袍里,靜靜地站在九樓病房的窗前凝視窗外。

He inquired , turning to take a last glance into the valley , whence a light mist mounted and formed a fleecy cloud on the skirts of the blue 他問,同時轉過頭向山谷中望了最后一眼,從那里有一片輕霧升起,在藍色天空的邊緣上形成了一朵白云。

To add to his distress , the bright blue sky became overcast with little fleecy clouds which shut out the sun 剛才還是燦爛的晴空,現在布滿了小片小片的白云,把太陽遮住了,這使得他的情緒更為低落。

I have a red tracksuit with fleecy lining 我有一件紅色的有羊毛襯里的運動服。

It's very solitude added to its majesty, and its towering cliffs seemed to kiss the sky. indeed for the most part they were clothed in clouds that lay in fleecy masses upon their broad and even battlements . 孤凄襯著雄偉,峭壁吻著藍天,白云裹住了它的身軀,就象團團潔白的羊毛飄浮在它的墻垛上。

The morning breeze, drawing up from the sea, cut lanes through the dense marsh mist, here and there rolling them before it in great balls of fleecy vapour . 海上吹來的晨風,穿過沼澤地上的濃霧,卷起了大團大團的輕煙。

So rich and fleecy were the outlines of the forest, that scarce an opening could be seen . 遠遠望去,林木茂密青翠,見不到一角空地。