
fleece n.1.羊毛。2.一只羊一次所剪的毛。3.羊毛狀物〔如白...


Method : to identify fleece - flower root cut crude drug and spurious breed airpotato yam in character and micrograph 方法:對何首烏飲片與其偽品黃藥子飲片進行性狀及顯微鑒別。

Our products of laser printing , fleede dp and fleece color process printing are well sold on overseas markets 曾開發成功的鐳射印花植絨雕印植絨套色印花等產品暢銷海內外。

The 27kg fleece - enough to make 20 large men ' s suits - is to be auctioned off over the internet 總共27公斤重的羊毛足夠做20套大號的男式西服,這些羊毛將在互聯網上拍賣。

Mary had a little lamb , little lamb , little lamb . mary had a little lamb , its fleece was white as snow 瑪麗有只小羊羔,小綿羊,小綿羊。瑪麗有只小綿羊,毛兒白如雪。

Our business ranges from knitting to dyeing , polar fleece , gold coating and compounding 公司集針織、染色、搖粒、燙金、復合于一體,是擁有自營進出口權的外資企業。

Objective : to find out the difference between fleece - flower root cut crude drug and spurious breed airpotato yam 摘要目的:了解何首烏飲片與其偽品的生藥鑒別。

And god did so that night : for it was dry upon the fleece only , and there was dew on all the ground 士6 : 40這夜神也如此行獨羊毛上是乾的、別的地方都有露水。

Charlie sheared the fleece , carded it , spun it , wove it into cloth , and made a new wool cloak 查理剪了羊毛,梳理后,紡成毛線,織成布,然后做了一件新的羊毛斗篷。

Glass fibre fleece as layer for roof and water - proof sheeting ; definition , designation , requirements 用做屋頂和防水板防護層的玻璃纖維毛狀襯料.定義名

Textile floor coverings - determination of the density of the textile fleece backing ; german version en 14900 : 2006 鋪地織物.絨頭織物背面密度的測定

He was like a lamb in the hands of the swindlers , and they fleeced him of all his savings 那些騙子使他輕易地上當受騙,然后詐取了他所有的積蓄。

Fleece or blackmail people by taking advantage of their weakness or under a certain pretext 以某種借口或利用某人的弱點,索取錢財或抬高價格。

That night god did so . only the fleece was dry ; all the ground was covered with dew 40這夜神也如此行,獨羊毛上是干的,別的地方都有露水。

How he fleeced - 他怎么-

“ you will then obtain the golden fleece , if you are still in the ministry . “那時,如果你還在部里的話你就可以得到金羊毛勛章了。 ”

Auto 1x1 double fleece 雙衛衣布

Auto 2x1 double fleece 雙衛衣布

Fleece the moustache 把胡子刮掉

5 fancy yarn , peach finish , etc . ; fleece , jersey , french terry , tatting fabric , etc 5其他特殊面料:磨毛系列,花紗系列etc