
fledgling n.羽毛未豐的小鳥;乳臭小兒。 fledgling po...


The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中興公司向深圳證交所發布聲明指出,周六與埃塞俄比亞電信公司簽署的這份合同目的是用于建設東非國家基礎電信網絡。

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中興公司提交給深交所的一項聲明說:這項周六與埃塞俄比亞電信集團簽署的合同旨在建立這個東非國家新興的電信網絡。

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中興提交給深交所的一項聲明說:這項周六與埃塞俄比亞電信集團簽署的協議旨在建立這個東非國家羽翼漸豐的電信網絡。

Born in chaos after the slaughter of a war lost through what many germans wrongly construed as a “ stab in the back ” , the fledgling republic was hamstrung from the start 魏瑪共和國誕生于因戰敗遭受的屠殺的混亂之中,許多德國人將這場敗局錯誤地解釋為“暗箭傷人” ,而這個羽翼未豐的共和國從一開始就孱弱乏力。

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中興通訊對深圳證券所發表的一份聲明稱,周六與埃塞俄比電信公司簽定的合同是為了幫助東非國家建立新的電信網絡。

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中興向深圳證交所發布消息指出,周六與埃塞俄比亞通訊集團簽署的這項協議計劃用于建設東非國家基礎通信網絡。

Chery automobile co . , one of the fastest growing companies in the fledgling chinese auto industry , is teaming up with visionary vehicles of new york , which has backing from investment banking firm allen co P . l . polk co .以下簡稱polk發布的一份預測報告對美國輕型vio在用車輛的總數作了年度預測。

Six years ago michael sefton of the university of toronto challenged his colleagues in the fledgling field of tissue engineering to build a functioning human heart within 10 years 六年前,組織工程學剛起步之際,加拿大多倫多大學的塞夫頓對同仁定下目標,要在10年之內制造出一個功能俱全的人類心臟。

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中興深圳交易所表明,星期六與埃塞俄比亞電信公司簽訂的協議,是為了在毫無經驗的東非建立電信網絡。

In addition , by the time she died in 1943 , beatrix potter has purchased vast swathes of the lake district that she left to the then fledgling british conservation trust , the national trust 死后,她把土地贈予當時成立不久的環保機構national trust 。當然,她流給后世的,并不只是這片土地那么少

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中興在深交所的聲明稱,本周六與埃塞俄比亞電信公司簽署的這份合同將致力于建設東非基礎通信網絡。

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中興公司在深圳交易中心說,中興公司與埃塞電信公司簽訂的協議計劃幫助建立東非國電話通信網絡。

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 周六和埃塞電信簽訂的合同提出建立東非國家新興電信網絡,由中興深圳證券交易所提出的聲明。

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中興通訊在給深圳交易所提交的聲明中稱,合同于周六簽訂,旨在東非國家建立新興電信網絡。

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中信對深圳交易所提出的申明中表示,這一于周六簽定的合同提出建立東非國家電信網絡雛形

The agreement signed saturday with ethiopia telecom corp proposes to build up the east african nation ' s fledgling telecommunications network , a statement issued by zte to the shenzhen bourse said 中興深圳證券交易所聲明,周六和誒賽電信簽訂的合同將會建立東非新興的通信網絡。

The current e - commerce has developed gradually involve all fields , china ' s e - commerce is still at the fledgling stage , e - commerce mode of b2c and b2b are discussed 目前發達國家的電子商務已逐步涉及到各個領域,我國電子商務還處于起步階段,電子商務模式b2c 、 b2b均在探討。

When i left , in 1976 , the icac was still a “ fledgling “ organisation , but the laws it was charged to enforce had “ teeth “ . some said they were draconian 一九七六年,當我離開香港的時候,廉署仍然羽翼未豐,但負責執行的法例,卻賦予它莫大的權力,甚至有人認為過于嚴苛。

The signing of the mainland and hong kong closer economic partnership arrangement ( cepa ) enables hong kong service suppliers to gain access to this fledgling market 《內地與香港關于建立更緊密經貿關系的安排》的簽訂,使香港的服務提供者得以進入這個新興市場。