fled flee 的過去式及過去分詞。
flee 的過去式及過去分詞。 “turned and fled“ 中文翻譯: 掉頭就逃“abandoned the city and fled“ 中文翻譯: 棄城而遁“each fled for his life“ 中文翻譯: 各自逃命“fled bed plotter“ 中文翻譯: 平板式繪圖儀“he has fled the danger“ 中文翻譯: 他已逃離了危險“lin chong fled by night“ 中文翻譯: 林沖夜奔“the enemy abandoned the city and fled“ 中文翻譯: 敵軍棄城而逃“the enemy fled in disorder by night“ 中文翻譯: 敵人趁黑夜狼狽潰逃“the enemy fled pellmell“ 中文翻譯: 敵人丟盔棄甲地跑了“all the animals fled from the fire“ 中文翻譯: 動物見到火都跑了“flecxure“ 中文翻譯: 負載彎曲“flederick“ 中文翻譯: 弗萊德里克“flectional“ 中文翻譯: 可彎曲的“fledermausquadrille“ 中文翻譯: 四對方舞“flection structure“ 中文翻譯: 流狀構造“fledge“ 中文翻譯: vt. 1.把(小鳥)喂養到長羽毛。 2.用羽毛蓋上;在…上裝上羽毛。 fledge an arrow 在箭上裝羽毛。 vi. (小鳥)長羽,(幼蟲)長翅。 adj. 羽毛豐滿的,能飛的。 adj. -d 羽毛豐滿的;快會飛的。 adj. -less 還沒有生羽毛的。 “flection“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔美國〕 = flexion. -al adj.,-less adj. “fledged“ 中文翻譯: 快會飛的; 隨時能飛的; 羽毛長齊的; 羽毛豐滿的“flecnode“ 中文翻譯: 拐結點
fledge |
There was not, after all, a great difference between the world of the north and that of the south which she had fled . 在北方和她逃離的南方這兩個天地之間,畢竟沒有明顯的差別。 |
Some of them fled one way and some another; and one of them was, they said, dressed up in widow's weeds . 有的往這條路跑,有的往那條路跑;他們說里面有一個是穿著寡婦的喪服。 |
To have fled in a direct line for the canada would have exposed them to the dangers at a direct pursuit . 如果他們直接向加拿大方向逃跑的話,那么敵人馬上會追蹤上來。 |
Lily had the doomed sense of the castaway who has signalled in vain to fleeing sails . 麗莉完全明白自己現在已變成一名被丟在荒島上徒然向駛去的帆船呼救的遺棄者了。 |
He belonged to the darknessthe darkness from which he had thought to flee had claimed him . 他屬于這一黑暗這個他曾經打算逃離的黑暗已經認領了他。 |
She wanted to run, fleeing from the encroaching prairie, demanding the security of a great city . 她想逃離這個咄咄逼人的大草原,到大城市找個棲身之地。 |
Fleeing germany , einstein went first to france , then to belgium , and then to britain . 愛因斯坦逃離德國以后,先是到了法國,然后去了比利時和英國。 |
He would, except for his guests, have fled outdoors and walked off the intoxication of food . 假如沒有客人,他早就跑到外面去散步了,免得撐出病來。 |
The conditions from which she had fled were intolerable, past speaking of, past believing . 她逃離的那個環境令人無法容忍,既不便說明又無法相信。 |
The evening before his marriage was an agony, and the morning wild with the desire to flee . 結婚的前一晚簡直無法忍受,當天上午他真想逃跑。 |
This was no longer a social occasion; whatever innocence there had been had fled . 這已不再是一次單純的交往,原有的閑情逸致煙消云散了。 |
The puritans , persecuted for their religious beliefs , fled to neighbouring countries . 清教徒們由于受到宗教迫害而外逃到鄰國。 |
When mrs. richards walked towards him , he fled , slamming the door behind him . 當理查茲夫人向他走去時,他把門砰地一關逃掉了。 |
So the word went through the rebels'camp, and they all fled for their lives . 消息就這樣傳遍叛軍軍營,叛軍紛紛逃命。 |
If she fled to the uttermost parts of the earth i should pursue her . 任憑她逃到天涯海角,我也要窮追不舍。 |
They had fled to america , and were beyond the grasp of their enemies . 他們逃到美洲,擺脫了敵人的控制。 |
Truly, as it was written long ago: “the wicked flee when no man pursueth. “ 古語說得好:“作賊心虛。” |
The enemy had fled . 敵人已經逃竄。 |
He and his brother fled to the north to establish a new society . 他和他弟弟流亡到北方開辟新家園。 |