
flaubert Flaubert , Gustave 福樓拜〔1821-...


Their respective works , namely , a winter in the hills , waterland and flaubert ' s parrot , may well be looked upon as three fragments , but they all belong to a history of query into the narrative of “ progress “ , a history which can be traced to the efforts made by such 19th century novelists as dickens 他們分別創作的《山里的冬天》 、 《洼地》和《福樓拜的鸚鵡》也許只能被看作三個碎片,但是它們共同屬于一部針對“進步”話語的推敲史,一部從19世紀延續下來的推敲史。

The preface , is greatly touched , “ writer of fiction ' s duty is makesevery effort from the work to vanish “ although is flaubert ' s language , but likes milan elder brother germany pulls is recording like thisand implements has several people , also some several authors cancompare favorably with with it , now pursued the version to spend inparticular the time , the scholar has been short , not only was becausethis was the cultural fast food time 序言,就深受感動, “小說家的任務就是力求從作品后面消失”盡管是福樓拜的語言,但像米蘭.昆德拉這樣記著并實施的有幾人,又有幾個作者能和其媲美,尤其是現在追求版費時代,讀書人少了,不僅是因為這是個文化快餐時代。

Flaubert is a writer who served as a link between past and future , whose exploration in the art of fiction is reflected in his works ' style and narrative first , objective presentation and cool narrative ; second , limited point of view and transformable point of view ; third , the decrement of plot and the prose style 摘要作為從傳統走向現代這樣一個承前啟后的作家,福樓拜對小說藝術的開拓在文體和敘事方面主要表現在3個方面:一、客觀的呈示與冷峻的敘述:二、有限視角與視角轉換;三、情節的淡化與散文化文體。

This article discusses french famous writer , flaubert ' s powerful political motivation reflected by his uncharitable attacking ugly social realities of french when creating the novel madame bovary 摘要本文討論的是法國著名作家福樓拜在創作長篇小說《包法利夫人》時,對法國丑惡的社會現實進行了無情的抨擊,從而折射出作者強烈的政治動機。

The two accomplices meet a little seamstress with whom they hatch an amorous and literary plot , through the medium of literary classics by flaubert , dumas , tolstoy and balzac that they read in secret 其中尤以巴爾扎克的作品令他們深深著迷。兩人開始同時追求美麗的小裁縫,并以剛開啟了他們的心靈的歐洲文學大師作品,企圖打動她的芳心。

Gustave flaubert ( 1821 - 1880 ) , french novelist , was a master of realism in fiction . his major works include madame bovary ( 1857 ) , the temptation of st . anthony ( 1874 ) 法國小說家吉斯塔夫?福樓拜( 1821 - 1880 )是現實主義寫作大師。他的主要作品包括《包法利夫人》 ( 1857年)和《圣?安東尼的誘惑》 ( 1874年)等。

Naomi schor , “ introduction “ , in flaubert and postmodernism , naomi schor and henry f . majewski ed . , ( lincoln and london : university of nebraska press , 1984 ) , p . xi 約瑟夫?弗蘭克: ,秦林芳等譯,北京大學出版社1991年版, 4 - 8頁

Stories are told of scrupulous writers , like flaubert , who spent days trying to get one or two sentences exactly right 有許多嚴謹認真的作家的逸事,像福樓拜,會花費很多天嘗試使一兩個句子準確無誤。

You ' re going to be spending the whole summer looking for le motjuste , as flaubert says . oh 你會像福樓拜說的那樣,用整個夏天的時間去尋找最恰當的表達方式-哦

Yves is marvelous and he walks flaubert 伊夫很能干,他還帶福樓拜去遛達

He doesn ' t think that flaubert ' s just a mere chien 他沒有把福樓拜僅僅當作一只狗