
flat n.1.〔英罕〕地板;(房屋的)一層。2.一套房間;〔p...

flat bed

Burglars had ransacked my flat . 竊賊洗劫了我的房間。

The tyre is flat -- the nail has gone right through . 輪胎癟了釘子把它扎透了。

I can't play this-there are too many flats . 這首曲子我彈不來--降半音音符太多了。

A boolean ring is absolutely flat . 布爾環是絕對平坦的。

I flatter myself that i'm an excellent judge of people . 我自信我看人很有眼光。

All the flats are occupied now . 所有的單元現在都已住滿。

I have got a puncture and my spare is flat too ! 我的車胎扎破了,備用的也癟了。

All my funny stories fell completely flat . 我講的有趣的故事都沒有人覺得可笑。

She threw on her coat and ran out of the flat . 她匆匆披上了上衣,跑出了公寓。

He felt a bit flat after his friends had gone . 朋友們走了以后他覺得有些無聊。

It turns my stomach to hear him flatter . 我實在感到討厭。

A soldier lies flat on his bunk . 一位土兵仰面躺在鋪位上。

Once castle had visited him in his flat . 有一次,卡斯爾到他的住處去看望了他。

We're all flat out after lifting that piano . 我們抬了那架鋼琴后累得精疲力竭。

Are you pleased with the new flat ? 你對這套新公寓滿意嗎?

All about him the country was flat . 他周圍的田野一片平坦。

A flat tyre today of all days -- what bad luck ! 偏偏今天車胎癟了真倒霉!

The market has been flat today . 今天市場上生意一直很清淡。

Then n is said to be a flat a-module . 那么,N叫做平坦A--模。