
flaring adj.1.閃耀的;發光的,閃爍的。2.花哨的。3.外傾...


“god bless you, captain frank,“ came rupert's deep solemn voice out of the dark when the flare died . “上帝保佑你,弗蘭克船長,”火光熄滅,只聽見黑暗中傳來魯帕特深沉的煞有介事的聲音。

There was a flaring display of lofty yellow posters, bearing the name of “nara“ in great black letters . 黃色的廣告,在四面墻上,高高的展貼得耀眼,上邊用黑體大字母寫著“娜娜”的名字。

“pig!“ she spat out at him viciously, her nostrils flaring in a look of savage disdain . “蠢豬!”她惡毒地咒罵他,兩只鼻孔張得大大的,露出了極端蔑視的神情。

A rock-music cult called “woodstock nation“ flared briefly, then burned out . 一陣被稱為“伍德斯托克民族”的搖滾樂狂潮,如曇花一現,隨后成了過眼煙云。