
flanerie n.〔法語〕無目的閑步;游手好閑,無所事事。


The flanerie in lens , the indifference in eyes , the sound and fury , the emptiness and mess , the rambling images , possibly , all that bring to you is not entertainment , not reflection , but further confusion : the seemingly serious birthday , the no - nonsense sales promotion , the violence in broad daylight , the apparently naive adult games , the nationwide whoopee , the spookish fireworks and the trembling blowout : as if it is a sacrifice for the riproaring time 鏡頭中的漫無目的,眼睛里的司空見慣,喧鬧暴戾的噪聲,空寂凌亂的畫面,略帶散漫的影像,給你帶來的也許不是享受,不是思考,而是進一步的混亂? ? ?你會看到煞有介事滿月,一本正經的促銷,光天化日下的暴力,不動聲色的悲哀,看似天真的成人游戲,舉國歡騰的萬眾狂歡,幽靈一般的焰火和讓人戰栗的爆裂? ? ?像是祭奠著這個喧囂的年代。