
flag n.1.旗〔cf. banner, ensign, pe...

flag camer

Status flags represent one of the simplest forms of microcomputer logic . 狀態標志是微計算機邏輯中的一種最簡單的形式之一。

The children would be taught to say their prayers, to revere the cross and the flag . 孩子們將學會祈禱,崇敬十字架和國旗。

We have as yet found no obstacle, no disposition to flag . 到此時為止,我們還沒有碰上過什么障礙,也沒有感覺到什么疲憊。

It is important for italy to have her flag on the sea against germany . 意大利在海上舉起反德的旗幟,這是很重要的。

He attempted a jolly voice to boost his own flagging spirit . 于是,他試圖用一種快活的聲音來為自己低落的精神打氣。

But presently it began to flag a trifle, and grow disjointed . 可是隨后他就有點兒泄氣,說著說著就上句不接下句了。

The third group is used to maintain the internal stack and control flags . 第三組用來維持內部堆棧和控制標志。

After hard but unsuccessful fighting, the captain of the ship struck the flag . 苦戰失利后,船長降旗投降。

He came with an american flag sewed to the seat of his pants . 他出場時竟然把一面美國國旗縫在了褲襠上。

Wings bore him up and flagging would deposit him . 有一對翅膀把他駕著飛起來,但是撲騰兩下就要往下掉了。

Red flags are fluttering . 紅旗飄飄。

The flag of china was raised on the summit of mount qomolangma . 五星紅旗插上了珠穆朗瑪峰的頂峰。

He's waving his flag now . 他在搖旗子。

They put up a flag . 他們打起了一面旗幟。

Her footsteps flagged . 她的步子越走越慢。

The red flag was gone . 那面小紅旗飄走了。

Once he seemed to flag in the course of the morning . 整整一個上午,他似乎有一度顯得萎靡不振。

They hung flags across the street between the houses . 他們把旗子橫跨街道懸掛在兩邊房子中間。

If flag is off, continue with the next instruction . 若標志處于斷開狀態,則繼續執行下條指令。