
fistulous adj.1.煙斗狀的,管狀的;管子做的,有管的。2.【醫...


The masterful cooking techniques include bao quick fry , liu quick fry with cornflour , pa stew braise , roast , boiling , using sugar to make fruit , crystallizing with honey . condiments such as sauce paste , fistulous onion and garlic are freely used , clear soup and milk soup are masterly used to add freshness to the dishes . 原料多選畜禽海產蔬菜,善用爆熘扒烤鍋拔絲蜜汁等烹調方法,偏重于醬蔥蒜調味,善用清湯奶湯增鮮,口味咸鮮。

The double pylorus is a rare condition consisting of fistulous communication between the gastric antrum and the duodenum 摘要雙幽門是一種較少見的情形,是由胃之前庭與十二指腸之間因?管形成溝通所組成。

Famous dishes are braised abalone with shells , fried sea cucumber with fistulous onion and fragrant calamus in milk soup 名菜有扒原殼鮑魚蔥燒海參奶湯蒲菜等。