
fishy adj.(-ier; -iest)1.魚的,多魚的;魚肉...


Abnormal odor fishy or stinky 異味腥或惡臭

I felt something was fishy 我覺得有點不對路。

Eg . that guy over there in the hat and dark glasses looks fishy 我覺得那個戴黑墨鏡頂著一頂帽子的家伙有點可疑。

Now turn your fishy tails around 啟動你的魚尾吧

Something ’ s fishy around here 這兒有點不大對勁。

My fingers are extra fishy today , if you care to take a whiff 今天我手指上的魚腥味特重你愿意好好聞一下嗎

Now turn your fishy tails around . . 啟動你的魚尾吧. .

My wife ' s been fishy lately , and nothing ' s working out for me 最近我老婆有點可疑,我也不知道怎么回事兒

Or , did she look or act any fishy 死者當時神色可疑嗎?

So it ' s fishy . but were you around to tell me different 那么就是有魚了。不過你是不是想跟我說些別的?

- kafka . - look at that . so fishy -卡夫卡-看那個,很可疑

Looks kind of fishy . - unless it comes from within the family 看起來似乎有些可疑-除非是來自家族內部

- looks kind of fishy . - unless it comes from within the family -看起來似乎有些可疑-除非是來自家族內部

And some turbot that wasn ' t too fishy 還有不太腥的比目魚

Fishy fianc could be canned 魚販子出身的新郎有可能被退婚

To what extent do you mean “ fishy “ 你說的“可疑”指什么?

His story sounds very fishy to me 他的說詞在我聽來很詭異。

There ' s something fishy about it 這里面有鬼。這事有點古怪。

Something fishy is going on here 一些可疑的事正在這里發生。