
fisherman n.1.捕魚人。2.漁船。短語和例子fisherman'...


One of fishermen ' s work is to mend their nets 修補漁網是漁夫的工作之一。

Do you know why fishermen are so energetic 你漁夫老怎樣發泄自己的春欲嗎

Peter became a judge but john remained a fisherman 彼得當了法官,而約翰依舊是漁民。

Written submission from hong kong fishermen s association 香港漁民互助社提交的意見書

In late - breaking news , local fisherman nick castle . . 最新消息,本地漁民尼克卡索. .

The fisherman realized that this was no ordinary fish 漁夫們知道這不是一條普通的魚

The fisherman took a while to orient himself 這漁民用一段時間適應這環境。

Ug floor at fisherman s wharf , 8 laguna 九紅?海逸道8號漁人碼頭商場高層地面

Once upon a time , there lived a fisherman on the island 很久以前,島上住著一位漁夫

Pocket fisherman is also great fun for adults too 袖珍漁具是今年的大發明。

A net is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter 網與漁夫的關系就像槍與獵人一樣。

The old fisherman was cursed by his shrewish wife 老漁夫被他那厲害的老婆罵了一痛。

Written submission from sai kung fishermen s association 西貢漁民互助會提交的意見書

How did the fishermen migrate and settle in the area 這些漁民是如何在這里落地生根

Is it true that you ' re a big amateur fisherman 問:你真的是個釣魚愛好者嗎?

The fisherman went to the sea early in the morning 這漁夫一大早就出海去了。

The successful fishermen of that day were already in 那天交好運的漁人們都回來了。

The boy loved the old fisherman and pitied him 孩子喜歡并且可憐這個老漁人。

The fisherman thought of his dog at once 意識到這一點,老漁夫立馬想到了他那只狗。