
firsthand adj. 第一手的,直接的,親自得到的。2.adv. 直...


The experts will also meet with infected public health care workers and frontline journalists to learn about their firsthand experience at the forefront of the battlefield 專家更會與受感染的公共醫護服務人員及前線記者會面,了解他們在疫癥最前線的親身經驗。

I also had the chance to gain some firsthand experience in the medical profession when i volunteered for over a year in the emergency room of a regional hospital 我主動在一家地區醫院的急診室工作了一年多,這也給我提供了獲得第一手醫學經驗的機會。

If you haven t tried the new showcase yet , you can sign up for a three - day account to experience workplace collaboration services 2 . 5 firsthand 如果您還未嘗試新的展示,您也可以注冊一個三天的帳號以親自體驗workplace collaboration services 2 . 5 。

His firsthand experience of poverty , bad schools and crime has led him to favor bottom - up , decentralized solutions for such problems 他親身經歷過貧困生活、落后的教育以及糟糕的治安,這使得他支持由下至上,分散(反集中的)的方式來解決這些問題。

Fieldwork is one of the base of anthropology research method , the way of obtaining firsthand material , and the fountainhead of ethnography construction 摘要田野調查是文化人類學的基本研究方法和獲取一手資料的基本途徑,也是民族志架構的源泉。

Over the past few weeks , i have had the unique opportunity to witness firsthand the strength and the depth of your personal commitment to this effort 該局協調揭露假情報及伊拉克政權的宣傳,包括出版謊言工具:海珊的假情報與宣傳, 1990 2003 。

From his firsthand experience , you can see how nasa ' s daily operation , and the details of voyager mission , these are already worthwhile for the book 當中,單是看以第一身描述美國太空總署內部的日常運作、航行者的細致內容,已經值回票價了。

Hope that through joint efforts of everybody , the valuable firsthand material that will distribute yi will be gathered and be put in order out , for studying 希望通過大家的共同努力,將散佚的寶貴的第一手材料匯集整理出來,以供研究。

Janet : i am not surprised . having been a player in the computer industry in china for the last decade , i have witnessed firsthand its phenomenal growth 你并不奇怪.十年來我作為中國計算機產業的一名參與者,親眼目睹了它的飛速發展

Get the latest news such as new routes , duty free offers and services updates . we make sure you get firsthand information ! so why wait 從最新熾熱優惠以至新增服務與設施,如全新商務客位及更完備的網上服務,我們將第一時間通知您!

Join lcsd e - magazine subscription and select your interest , you can enjoy the latest information of the cp presentations firsthand 康文署電子雜志,選擇你喜愛的節目類別,便可定時取得文化節目組的最新資料動向,費用全免。

Because it is based on interviews with people about their firsthand experiences with crimes , the bureau ' s survey does not include homicides 由于該報告是根據采訪到的受害者的第一手犯罪資料,統計局的調查沒有包括殺人案。

Basing on abundant firsthand data , the paper analyses the market situation and technology condition in china in digital camera 本文在大量詳實的第一手數據基礎上,對中國數碼相機的市場環境和技術狀況進行了詳盡地分析。

But participating in and experiencing one of the most exciting one of the most exciting events in the world firsthand is a big deal 但是親自參與并直接體驗這一世界上最令人激動的體育盛事卻是終身難忘的事。

Attendees are surrounded by the global family of rotary , experiencing firsthand the fellowship that only this event brings 參加的人被全球扶輪家庭所包圍,他們將體驗只有在這種盛事才能帶來的第一手的友誼。

A difficult career choice can be made easier by getting firsthand knowledge about particular occupations 面臨不知如何選擇職業的困境時,如果能對于特定職業獲得第一手資訊,問題就簡單多了。

Do i spend enough time observing activities firsthand , or am i detached from the heart of my organization ' s activities 我是否對觀察第一手行為付出足夠的時間,或者我脫離了組織活動的核心

You may be surprised to witness firsthand how scientific progress is made in inches and not miles 你將會親身目睹科學的發展并非大躍進,而是要靠日積月累的辛勞,才能得以寸進。

The author has accumulated the abundant firsthand materials after doing a large amount of market research 筆者在做了大量的市場調查研究后,積累了豐富的第一手資料。