
filth n.1.污物,污穢。2.淫猥,猥褻語。3.道德敗壞。短語...


Some books should be burned ! libraries are full of communist filth 一些書應該燒掉!圖書館裝滿了共產主義的垃圾

Makes me sick to see government employees looking at that filth , marge 政府職員看那些猥褻的東西讓我覺得很惡心

[ whispers ] choke on your own filth 自食惡果吧。

The pond was filled with filth 這池塘充滿了污物。

Or i should say “ mr . filth . 或者我該叫你“猥褻男”

Methods of test for spices and condiments - determination of filth 香料和調味品試驗方法.第14部分:污物測定

Filth breeds disease and vermin 污穢引起疾病和害蟲。

Do not move , you filth prisoner 看守囚犯們都不許動!

We must clear away all the filth left over from the old society 我們必須清除舊社會遺留下來的污泥濁水。

“ anyway , we don ' t want this kind of filth in our courtroom . “不管怎么樣,我們法庭不接受這種臟貨。 ”

You brought filth into my life again 你又玷污了我的生活

How can you read such filth 你怎麼能看這種烏七八糟的東西

Demons have committed enough atrocities here , you filth 惡魔已經在這里犯下了滔天罪行,你這個流氓。

They ran , the filth that they are 他們逃跑了,這些沒用的垃圾

Get out , you disgusting piece of filth 出去,讓人惡心的東西

And the feld family filth machine 以及菲爾德家族的淫穢機器!

Go and wash that filth off your hand 去把你手上的臟東西洗掉。

Go and wash that filth off your hands 去把你手上的臟東西洗掉。

Filth ? you wanna know what filth is 玷污?你想知道什么是玷污嗎