
fillet n.1.帶子,帶狀物。2.頭帶,束發帶。3.肉片,魚片。...


Braised chicken fillet with tender ginger 仔姜燒雞條

Mix sliced chicken fillet with salt , white pepper , cornflour and oil 將雞柳與鹽、白胡椒粉、生粉和油拌勻。

Effective thickness of fillet weld 角焊縫有效厚度48

200g chicken fillets 25g fat pork 燕窩疆字口蘑肥雞:

Braised fillet of beef with white mushroom 扒牛柳白菌

Effective length of fillet weld 角焊縫有效計算長度48

Braised fillet of grouper in butter sauce 扒魚牛油酸汁

Bean curd stuffed with minced fish fillet 魚脊肉瓤豆腐

Hygienic standard of roasted fish fillet 烤魚片衛生標準

Remove fish fillet from marinate liquid , drain excessive liquid 將魚片從魚子醬中撈起,去除多余的水分。

Anchovy fillets in olive oil 156g 金島牌油浸銀魚柳156g

Anchovy fillets in olive oil 700g 金島牌油浸銀魚柳700g

A research on the processing craft of flavouring roasted globefish fillets 調味烤河豚魚片加工工藝研究

Marine steel pipe flanges of fillet weld - on 船用搭焊鋼法蘭

Terms and definitions of fillet clothing 彈性針布術語和定義

So , lsabelle , a fillet mignon 那么伊莎貝爾,一塊可愛的肉片

Set a steamer basket in the skillet , and arrange fillets in basket 將魚片擺放于一個蒸籠里上鍋蒸。

Flat fillet clothing for carding process 梳棉機用彈性蓋板針布

Chicken fillet wrapped with mung bean sheet 雞絲粉卷、雞絲粉皮