
fill vt.1.注滿,裝滿,裝填,填充。2.(風)張滿(帆),...


The vacancy has already been filled . 那空缺已有人補上了。

You must fill out this order form . 這個訂貨單你要填一下。

He filled another cup of wine for me . 他又給我斟了一杯酒。

His mind began to fill with dreadful thoughts, 他心里逐漸充滿種種可怕的念頭。

The thing filled me with despair . 這件事實在使人感到棘手。

First make an outline and then fill in the content . 先搭好架子,再充實內容。

Defeat after defeat filled us with despair . 接二連三的失敗,使我們感到絕望。

The country filled her with tender thoughts . 鄉居使她滿心充滿了溫柔的思想。

He intended to fill in the road map . 他打算把路線圖畫出來。

I can fill the time by spring cleaning the house . 我能用大掃除來消磨時間。

The canister is filled with activated charcoal . 蒸氣回收罐中充滿了活性炭。

The reservoirs filled little by little . 承受器慢慢地注滿了。

He first filled the drum with oxygen . 他首先將桶里充滿氧氣。

The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course . 船隊開始順風向北航行。

Draw an outline before you fill in the details ... 再畫細部。

Most big balloons are now filled with helium . 現在許多大氣球中充的是氦氣。

He is going to fill the position of principal . 他將去擔任中學校長的職務。

Everything got filled and blinded . 很快到處積滿水,一片昏暗。

Fill the cases so that they are tight . 把這些匣子裝得滿滿的。