
filet n.〔法語〕1.肉片,魚片。2.方網眼花邊 (= fil...

filet de sole

Halloween is long gone , but new yorkers will be able from saturday to pay to view a roomful of human cadavers , fileted limbs and dissected organs as part of a gruesome yet realistic exhibit on the human body 從11月19日開始,紐約市民將有機會在遍布死尸的展廳內參觀。據路透社11月17日報道, 22具真人尸體和260多個人體器官將于19日在曼哈頓展出。

The italian responds : i want peperonipizza , he is served and then executed . the frenchman requests a filet mignon , which he is served and then executed . the jew requests a plate of strawberries 意大利人說,我想吃意大利辣腸比薩,他吃了之后就被處死了,法國人請求吃一份里脊肉,他吃了之后也被處死了.猶太人要求吃一盤子草莓

Each lady who consumes australian unfrozen sirloin steak or australian unfrozen sirloin filet steak at our restaurant can enjoy 60 % discount ( early reservation necessary ) 在3月6日至3月8日來本店選用澳洲冰鮮西冷牛排和澳洲冰鮮牛柳的女士,均施行6折優惠(請提前預訂座位) 。

Some have even been known to make their way onto the dinner table when their humans are not paying attention , gobbling down everything from filet mignon to sticks of butter ! ! 家長通常會讓孩子們去遛狗,這時候可卡的長耳朵就是最吸引孩子目光的地方,經常會遭到蹂躪。

Slice the fish filets thinly and mix with marinade for 10 minutes . whip the eggs in a large bowl . add the salt and water and mix well 魚片切成小薄片,加腌料腌制10分鐘左右。雞蛋打散,加入鹽和水,打勻備用。

At supermarket , you can find both frozen and iced fish filet . for the above dish , it is better to use frozen packs 在超市銷售的冰凍包裝魚柳有兩類,冰封和水凍兩種,可選冰封包裝的較好。

Present the original taste of top luscious material including filet steak , goose liver , and truffle 炭烤表面膠封其肉汁原味,再搭配油脂適中的鵝肝與松露提味,展現食材的原味。

Filet steak in chips to cook with hot sauce that made up of garlic , chili , szechuan pepper , butter and cream 菲力肉切為牛柳薄片,佐以蒜末、牛油、鮮奶油制成的四川麻辣紅醬。

Slice the filet into 1 4 inch thin pieces , and marinade with the sauce at the room temperature for 1 hour 牛肉切成四分之一寸厚的肉片,放入

If you do not like the onion and tomato mix , try black olive or whitebait filet 茄粒醬之調味可因個人口味加入不同之材料,如黑橄欖或銀魚柳。

Of fish filet 磅白魚肉

We have very good filet mignon today . would you like to try 我們今天有很好的菲力小牛排,您要不要試試?

Rinse and dry the fish filet , cut into stripe middle finger size 做法將魚肉洗凈擦乾,切成長條型。

So , isabelle , a filet mignon 伊莎貝爾,一塊小巧玲瓏的肉片

When they dropped their filet - o - fish on the floor 而那個家伙呢不過是在茸毛剪把麥香魚掉到地上而已

Derek : she will have the duck , and i will have the filet mignon 迪瑞克:她要烤鴨,我要腓力牛排。

They feasted us on filet mignon and strawberry shortcake 他們拿出魚片和草莓松脆餅盛情款待我們。