
file n.1.紙夾,文件夾。2.釘成冊的文件,檔案,卷宗,案卷...

file clerk

The girls filed into the hall for prayers that evening as usual . 那天晚上女孩子們像往常一樣,排成單行魚貫進入禮堂做晚禱。

The prisoners disappear in single file into the gray flat-roofed building . 這些俘虜排成單行走進灰色的平頂房子就不見了。

I can not access the file on your company because i have forgotten the code . 我無法取出你公司的文件,因為我把代碼忘了。

We had to burrow through a mass of files to find the documents we wanted 我們要在案卷堆里翻來翻去以尋找我們所要的文件。

For four months golitsin roamed across the most secret files in mi5 . 戈里欽翻閱軍情5局的最秘密檔案翻閱了整整四個月。

As frost's official biographer, i mentally filed this information . 身為弗洛斯特指定的傳記撰寫人,我將這事記在心上。

The main file in a charging system is the loans or transactions file . 出借系統的主要資料檔是借書資料檔或匯集文檔。

He has also been asked to write a program that updates their files . 還要求編寫一個程序,用來不斷更新他們的文件。

Do you give precedence as well to the one who files first for a patent ? 你們對首先申請專利的人也給予優先權嗎?

The information is then filed for later selection and publication . 然后將這些資料歸檔,供以后選用和發表。

We raked around in the files , but could n't find the letter . 我們翻遍了文件夾,怎么也找不到那封信。

Any guy who holds on to his own files is asking for trouble . 任何人保存他自己的檔案,只是招惹麻煩。

A certificate must be filed with the appropriate government official . 必須向主管政府官員遞交證書。

You can have your files back after we have checked them . 等我們檢查完他們后,你就能拿回你的文件。

He's too dry a file ! 那家伙太乏味了。

The file bites the metal . 銼刀銼得深。

Muller had a sheet detached from the file in front of him . 馬勒面前放著從卷宗里抽出來的一張紙。

A typical computer file consists of a number of records . 典型的計算機資料檔是由許多記錄組成的。

Henry actually used to boast that he never kept any files . 事實上享利經常吹噓他不保留任何檔案。